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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
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the next two days it's do or fry!

I visited our Saudi neighbours this morning (to tell them they had a leaky drainpipe, which they'd just discovered). They showered me with Arabic sweeties, which are very nice. I think they came here for summer thinking it would be cooler than the desert...
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wahey, just gone past 100 degrees and still rising!
675 people died in Spain in one week from the heat! 169 on Sunday alone. Taking it easy. I went out today but such an effort to walk home uphill in this heat. Straight in pool.
How is everyone??
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phew, down to 20 here at midnight, the ehatwave has ended with the usual rainstorm.
We also had a heatwave on top of our normal temperatures but like a misquote from Quentin crisp heat after 32° doesn't get any hotter!!! Nights are awful. We do t have air con on as it really stiffens up the joints, we have a wimpy ceiling fan which does not a lot. I also have turbo blaster fan which is great but no Nr N doesnt like it! Last year if course hija was in Malta so Mr N slept in the heat of her room and I had it all going!!
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ah, jno jnr and 20 or so colleagues were at a conference oop north and when they left they found all the trains had been cancelled. They got together and hired a bus to bring them home and it broke down at a service station. Then they couldn't get out becauee a woman had collapsed (dead drunk) on the road, so they called an ambulance, which took an hour to arrive. They didn't get in till after midnight.
Hello everyone are you all ok? Life here is just waiting for winter. On Monday it was recorded as 50°c and 91% humity. SN Juan was the hottest place in Ibiza. It wasn't that cool elsewhere either! Nothing that interesting to report.Ive been invited to a weddin in Oz in Oct 2023 but don't think I'll go. Too far and too expensive and CBA!
Well love to you all!
hello all, still here, waves to everyone. I just got new updates on my apple stuff (I am in the beta tester program) and it messed up loads of stuff. corrections rattled out in short order and I can now do things again. Facebook and other big hitters were okay but some of the more niche websites vanished for me and I wasn't able to access the online app for one of my credit cards. The first lady I spoke to was......well lets say inept for someone answering on a tech problems phone line.....all she could say was we have no control over Apple....for goodness sake I KNOW that I just wanted to unconnect myself from app sign in and go back to laptop sign in. Anyway I tried again the next day and got the Bloke Who Understands. He told me in detail what to do (and it worked) and told me what my balance was so I could pay my bill and not get into trouble. Tech is great till it doesn't work. Its still hot and dry here, the tortoises are loving it and eating me out of house and home. KBO folks.
Hi woofy glad you are ok. This tech stuff is getting more difficult for me now and only 10 years ago I was ace! Suffering in this heat so staying indoors mainly unless I'm in a car.
Hija's Mexico is a marvel he has prescribed monthly anti bios for me in her health card so I can get a stash for emergencies. At my age I know when I need them more than my young "do it by the book" mexico.
And hey it was 51 years ago that I landed on this magical island!! Life has been good mainly!
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another medical appointmnt that didn't happen ... it was supposed to be a phone appointment but it turned out they didn't have the right phone number. SO... we will try again next week, which will be the third attempt.
Oh jnonwhat a nuisance. I hate phone consultations my Mexico gabbles and I can't understand a word! Hope you get sorted soon. I have a lot of medical apps coming up soon. If I can get my head around them . We are also hoping to go away to mainland (Primark!)again in October.
Hope all biddies are doing ok. Waves to shaney!
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finally they called me to offer me physio. As I was originally supposed to be sent for a scan, I'll have to get back to the surgery and ask what happened to that.

There is a dead rat on the lawn. Magpies are doing their best to eat it. I am staying inside.

The Primarks of Oxford St still seem to be booming, neti. Shall I warn them you're on your way?
Happy birthday woofy. Hope you had a good day x
Thought I'd just pop in to wish Woofy a very Happy Birthday.
Hope you had a lovely day and many happy returns x.

Hope the rest of you are all ok . I haven't read back much but I hope all your medical mysteries soon get sorted.
I'm in the same state I'm always in but bumble along.
Have had the garden re-organised,old stuff on it's last legs dug out and new planting come the autumn .Lot of work but very much worth it.He comes along once a fortnight now and keeps it looking nice.He doesn't have far to come,mates rates and I keep the dog in biscuits.
In other news ,we've bought an air fryer and I'm very pleased with it. Makes nice steak and chips.
Weather has been lovely here apart from that unbearably hot day which was too much even for a sun bug like me. It's just nice atm but we badly need some rain.
Be good,keep well and toodle pip for now.
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oh shaney, you should have said, I've just given away our air fryer to the neighbourhood fete.
Hello shaney please keep posting. I wondered about an air fryer but stuck to the old oil one. I'll be really interested in how they compare chip wise??
Went to hairdressers and it looks ok but decided grey just doesn't suit me so box bleached it and then toned it . Now I'm grey AGAIN!! Give up. Still incredibly hot here so venture out.
Hope you are all ok!!
Question Author
finally got my drains done! Took them four months to get around to it and four hours to send me the bill. It'll be a while before I can tell if the lawn's healed back over it.

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