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Printing problems

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lynbrown | 22:16 Tue 10th Apr 2007 | Internet
2 Answers
I have asked this already but am still in the dark. My printer is working - I can print off the Test page, but i cannot print anything from BBC or similar web sites. I have tried all the help lines but i get too muddled by the technicalities of it. Can anyone help in simple language - or should i get someone in?


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This largely repeats what I wrote before but I'll try again anyway:

If there's really nothing wrong with the printer itself, it must be a software issue. i.e. the browser program with which you're viewing the web pages (which is probably Internet Explorer) can't communicate properly with the printer driver (which is the software which sends instructions to the printer).

So, the problem is either with the printer driver or your browser. To fix the former, you need to re-install the driver. Insert the disc, which came with the printer into your PC. When the options are displayed, check to see whether you're offered the choice to simply 'install driver' or to 'repair installation'. If neither of these options leap out at you, just go ahead and re-install all of the software, just as if the printer was brand new. (It's possible that you might be told to uninstall the existing software first but I doubt this; it's usually possible to install printer software, and particularly print drivers, on top of themselves).

If that doesn't work, try a different browser and see if you can print from that. I assume that you're using Internet Explorer, so download Firefox. Once you've installed it, you can use it to visit your favourite webpages and try printing them out.

PS: I've only just read that you can't download Firefox from the link I gave you. That's odd but not particularly important; you can also find it here: 356_4-10654008.html?tag=lst-0-4


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