Somehow deleted sound drivers or disabled something whilst trying to make some space as computer nearly full. its a dell optiplex gx270.running xp. went to the dell site, but it appears the 3 drivers they have are soundblaster and some other super dooper sound card drivers. i think mine are audio codecs, not sure, but just the simple sound stuff, as this is an ex office computer. I have tried the wizard, it searches, but cannot find the drivers. any ideas?? thanks in advance,
i am still fitting the bath, thanks for the info,no leaks. you are a man of many talents. I came on to ask the question about the drivers and got involved in religious questions, so now back to the sound drivers.
all the best,
Usually Dell provide a recovery partition with various recovery options, on the HD that has all the drivers etc it first came installed with, have you had a look for it.
But i think you may not good at computer because you can not sure what sound drivers you need. So i will recommend you another way, choose a driver udpater software to helps you. It is an effective way. It will helps you to choose the right sound drivers for your hardware. you can download it from here: