Kapersky Problems in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Kapersky Problems

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gordie1 | 14:56 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Technology
5 Answers
I renewed my licence today after it told me I had 10 days to go and I downloaded it and it cost £30 and then I still get the same message 10 days to go.I try and get help and it is a f***** nightmare. The technical support team is Irish and that says it all you press options and then get back to the same menu any idea what to do because I feel like smashing my computer up !!!!!
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i haven't ever had a problem, but i don't download Kaspersky online. I buy the latest package from amazon and load and go, no problem.
Maybe it means you've still got 10 days left on your old licence and your new one will start at the end?

Did you get an email to confirm that you've renewed?
i had same problem as you long ago when trying to renew online, don't do it now.
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I had the money today and would not have it in 10 days
Have you entered the new activation code?

"You can purchase your renewal licence at any time prior to expiry and enter your new activation code into your product shortly before your current licence expires. Your new licence period will commence from the date that you enter your new activation code into your Kaspersky product."

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