Lost All Sound in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Lost All Sound

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tamaris | 07:48 Sun 05th May 2013 | Technology
10 Answers
on my computer how do I get it back ?


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1. Check that your speakers are properly plugged in (and switched on!).

2. Click on the 'Volume' button (which is probably at the bottom right of your screen) and check that the 'Mute' box isn't ticked (and that the slider isn't at the very bottom).

If those two routine checks don't help, it's likely that Windows has lost the sound driver for your computer. To fix it you'll need to download the driver installation file from the website of:
(a) your computer manufacturer ; or
(b) the manufacturer of the sound card (if your computer has a separate sound card) ; or
(c) the manufacturer of the motherboard (if your computer has 'on-board' sound)
[That assumes that you've not got the relevant file on a disk which came with your computer].

To direct you to a relevant website we would need to know the exact model of computer that you're using. Alternatively, Windows might be able to relocate the sound driver if you simply run System Restore (from Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools) to take your computer's registry back to the last date when the sound was working. (I'd try that first, before trying to reinstall the driver).

Question Author
Hiya Chris I have checked the volume and slider. There are no @speakers' as such it is a new Dell Inspiron desktop 660 MT. Not had any trouble up to now. It sounds very complicated I am so useless at all this stuff
Click on 'Audio' here:

Then, alongside 'Cirrus Logic High-Definition Audio Driver'. click on 'Download file'.

Select 'Download & save'. Click 'Continue'.

Select 'Single-file download'. Click 'Continue'.

Click on 'Save file'

Where it says 'Save in', click on the downward-pointing arrowhead to the right of the box.

Click on 'Desktop'.

Click 'Save'.

Go to your desktop and you'll see the downloaded file there. Double-click on it to run it and reinstall the missing sound driver.

Then restart your computer. Hopefully you'll have sound back again.

You can now delete the installation file on your desktop. (Right-click on it and select 'Delete').

Question Author
Hi Chris it was all OK until I got to save file . There were about 3 saves and it did not say save in. It all went wrong after that , HELP please
Just reading through the thread, I think you've managed to save the file but cannot find it. Try a search for 'Audio_Driver_818NF_WN_8.50.8.0_A01.EXE' ignoring the inverted commas. You can copy and paste the name.

If you find the file, doubleclick the file to install it.
Question Author
Sorry dont understand this
OK, forget what I typed for the moment.
What internet browser are you using, Internet Explorer (which version), Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc?
Hi tamaris
If you put your mouse pointer at the beginning of the line below, click and hold the left mouse button and then drag it to the end of the line it should highlight in blue:


Now, with it still highlighted, click the right mouse button and select Copy from the drop down menu that appears.
Then select the start button (the Windows symbol at the bottom left of the screen)
In the box at the bottom of the pop up window, click the Right mouse button and select Paste.
Those words should now be in the box and above should be any matching files on your computer.
See how you go.
Question Author
Sorry got as far as the paste bit click ing bottom of start, but tiles only appeared. HELP please, driving me nuts
Question Author

I know how to copy and paste.

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