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Kindle Paperwhite

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jacklee | 16:02 Fri 27th Dec 2013 | Technology
11 Answers
Excited to receive a Kindle for Christmas but need help in setting it up.
Am now 90 and non-tech - scared I mess things up!
grateful for your help - words of one syllable please!
Happy New Year to all.


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do you have an amazon account?
Question Author
Yes, thanks, bedknobs. User Recommendation

I'm 88 & tackle most things electronic, have a go jacklee

Shouldn't amazon give that guide for nothing?
Question Author
Thanks bednobs for the clue - am wading through instruction on my computer.
Thanks also to WR - just needed a bit of a push!
No, cloverjo, - not a word of explanation
Hi jack, happy new year

there are a couple of quite helpful "how to" vidoes from YouTube here


don't miss the "12 days of Kindle" sale that's on at Amazon at the moment - there's lot's of good stuff for sale at 99p and you can stock up a bit for the rest of the year

Deal of the day's worth looking at too
sorry, this is the setup video
Question Author
Thanks humbersloop. have just discovered the helpful videos and can now relax! Pity they don't mention these in with the packaging
Good of you all to respond to my plea - but aren't all ABs a helpful lot.
Now waiting for paperwhite to charge
Hope you have loads of fun with your Kindle Jack. Mine is one of the originals but would not be without it. Scared me to death a couple of years after I had it when it up-dated itself and started talking to me.
Question Author
Hi daisynonna and thanks for the encouragement.
Wiating for paperwhite to charge so that I can get cracking.
What was the first book you bought?
First book I bought was A Girl of the Limberlost which I read as a child. Recommended by my mother who read it when she was a young girl. Fascinated to find it still available. Published in 1909! Have 55 books archived and can re-read them whenever I want. 54 currently to be read. A good friend to me!
Have fun! G x

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Kindle Paperwhite

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