I tried it, I despised it, I got rid of it. Nasty, irritating, unhelpful thing it was :(
Sorry I cant stand it. Why do you like it Hans, am I missing something?
I am very surprised that Not a single ABer has come forward in support of my belief that, as a Search Engine, Bing is better than Google.
@Slapshot.....A very bold statement.^^^ I would be inclined to think that one is more likely to get Malware from Google Chrome or the Google Search Engine.
@kvalidir.... Perhaps you are really referring to the Bing Toolbar which I have No desire to use.
@methyl.... A lot of folk are on my side but they Do Not appear to be in AB.
HansUrbancka, there's really no choice
which is why here we're all of one voice
The fact of this thing
Is nobody likes Bing
It's a mini to Google's Rolls Royce
I agree Methyl..100%. Yahoo is useless. I have a very rarely used E/mail account with Ymail which always freezes my computer for a few minutes if I attempt to use it.
Hi Hans, I love Firefox because of the way you can synchronize bookmarks across your devices. I use DuckDuckGo for search because it doesn't track you like Google. Do you have any privacy concerns with Bing Hans?