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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
Let's just say I am in the occasionally sunny Pacific, but for many of the little islands south of the equator summertime is storm time.
I hope you're not wearing red feathers and a huly huly skirt Jno .
It's raining and windy here now and the joints are kicking off after a bit of peace with the calmer weather.
I expect there'll be an invasion tomorrow from people mooching about in cagoules looking fed up and wishing they had gone somewhere warmer.
Night all.
Morning all
Lovely morning so far.But it's not gonna last (:
Do you mind mrs merchant of doom, I'm trying really hard here to think nice, fluffy bunny thoughts...I've woken up grumpy haha, so look out world.
It's lovely here too but as you say the rest of the weekend and into next week is going to be crip.
Went to what we thought was a mainstream restaurant tonight but it's turned into a Turkish. Yum. Plus they had a belly dancer, but sis, who did belly dancing for a couple of years, said she was too thin. Everyone's a critic.
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I've got the belly for below dancing!
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Good morning. Glorious day here, ,no coats scarves or vests needed today. Yay I sold a boiled phone (only 6 months old) so can buy 2 pairs of summer shoes, there is one make M'tang which are really modern, platform, and very comfy that even I can dance all night in them at Pacha,
OH is feeling unwell so he's been sent to the tidied bedroom to get out from under my feet. I am washing and cleaning like mad, must be the weather.
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Below dancing? Err I think not! Bluddy predictive text, belly dancing
you boiled your phone? No wonder the predictive text is up the wall!
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Hahaha, what am I like? No idea what my phone/tablet/laptop are on about sometimes, oh hahaha
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Oh poor Mr N he has a dreadful headache and feels sick, won't eat anything. I shall be in hija's bedroom tonight, He never gives in so must feel really rotten.
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Good morning. I slept in hija's room last night. Didn't sleep very well. I also put my clock forward a day early!!
Morning, it's grey and windy.

Yes, poor Mr N, does he get migraines neti? I had another lousy, sickly headache yesterday afternoon but I think it's sinussy, weather related. It was a lovely day but the only time I spent outside was to peg out. I decided as I already felt lousy and couldn't feel any more grumpy that I'd risk washing my thermal lined, 'dry clean only', bedroom curtains. They're nice, neither huge nor heavy, but the cost of dry cleaning's ridiculous. Anyway, deep joy, they were fine and back up by lunchtime. I did nowt after that.
I've got that hung over feeling now.
Hello all
Not all that nice out ,dull and cloudy and the wind is starting to get up now.
It was such a lovely day yesterday too. Lot's of traffic through here as well and it's a shame for people on a break if the weather's crip.We can't all jet off to Lanzarote like our glorious leader.
I hope Mr N feels better today Neti .
Well done Robinia .I dread curtain washing.Mine are easy to wash and dry ,it's getting 'em down and up again that's the problem ,wobbling on a step ladder. I'm a dizzy dame at the best of times :)
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Good day all.
Well Mr N still has a raging headache and feels really bad. He's never suffered from migraines before. Anyway he's now taken a sleeping tablet in the hopes that he'll nod off and feel better, this is so unlike him. His mum had lots of migraines and died from a brain aneuryism at his age so I am very worried.
So I had to do the shopping so went to the new one, went round and round the streets until I found the entrance to the car park, forgot to take my list, so just winged it, just luck that I got half of what we needed as didnt havce a clue where anything was.
Then I took myself off for brekkie and 2 new pairs of summer shoes. I love M'tang as they are very modern but so comfy for poor ole feet!
There is a big bike race through the village so although I tried to drive to Es Cana it was impossible, so I came home.
Watched The Americans ep 1 last night, ooh its so good, even though I dont have a clue what's going on!
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I wash everything that says dry clean only, usually OK, I even washed a red leather bomber jacket of Mr N's it was fine.
Hope mr n feels better neti, he has my sympathy.
Summer shoes? If only we needed them, I'm still hovering over some suede ankle boots....hmmm, I did save money by washing the curtains didn't I? :) I'm really pleased I did them, little things please little ole minds.
I've got away with washing most things, I did ruin a jacket but it was a charity shop find anyway so no loss. I just didn't want the thermal lining to shrink or crease beyond help.
I'm going to go round dunelm sticking notes on their curtains saying you can wash them, haha.

Bloomin wind's turned wild out there.

Jude's been in touch, she tried to post but had a problem signing in. Anyway she's busy over easter but says hello and has sent us all giant easter eggs.
Oh no, I made the last bit up.... :)
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I have replaced the 3 missing (eaten) Easter eggs. But ill probably eat another one tonight!
Football ..bldy football .
Germany v England .It's only friendly but we have to have the Berlin bear on the mantelpiece and a flag ....Give me strength....
In fact, give me a giant easter egg somebody :)

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