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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
Morning all...what terrible news for Brussels airport and now several metro stations. I was awake early (weird dream would you believe) and had the tv news on as it happened about 7am. Poor people, what can you say?
Only just seen that, Robinia, upsetting news. I suppose this is much what happened in London tenor so years ago. Awful for those affected, but others will just carry on with their lives. I can't remember Ken Livingstones exact words but he basically said they could never win, and I thought he was right and found it rather comforting.
nothing Robi, its frightening. Next door children are in the garden screaming so loudly I can hear it through the double glazing.
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I was at Earls court biat show in 73 I think it was when we had a bomb scare. We just had to clear out.. Also in Javea we had just walked past a hotel and a bomb went off. I always have a small moment when I'm in Pacha just in case there's a fire or worse and there is no way 3000+ people could get out. Still I don't let it worry me.
Morning all
There's nothing you can do or say about things like this.Horrifying.
Nice and bright so far today.
I can't get away from the television, I really need to get going.
I'd better not get caught by JWs, it's almost Easter so no doubt they'll be sauntering round the area with equally comforting tidings.
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Dont know what's wrong with me these days either, getting heavier and heavier!!!
Been for brekkie with hija, a toasted pork loin, cheese, tomato and garlic baguette and coffee, then went for long walk to the Roman bridge and ducks (stopping at the English shop on the way to buy a Creme Egg and a bag of wine gums HMMMM?) there were loads of people photographing the ducks but only we had brought bread, so the ducks surrounded us, I got a bit frit at one point, big things some of them, but it was lovely.
No water at home for 3hrs but havce called the water company and it is repairs being done up the mountain a bit, should be on for 2pm!!
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I am bereft withoput my tumble drier, could we have a biddy collection please???
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Hija has just come home with McDonalds chips for me!
No, we could not have a collection. I haven't got a tumble drier. I'd like a car complete with chauffeur. I've just discovered one of the empty shops is to sell e fluffing useful. I'll look forward to browsing round there and trying them on.... mumbles expletives
Oh nooo Neti ...nervous breakdown time :)
I have got a tumble drier but don't use it very much .Washing goes out on the line weather permitting and I just use it to air and soften stuff for about ten mins if it's not quite dry or if I have to dry indoors on the airer.
I don't have the mountains of laundry I used to have with just the two of us now.
Lol..we've got one of those shops too Robinia .Before it changed hands it was a lovely handbag/accessories shop .I was most annoyed :)
It's a lovely day here but the breeze off the sea is chilly so I won't be lounging round the pool.
I am afraid I tumble dry everything. The garden is very dusty for one thing and what with the dogs and the torts. I have got no room to have a line without it getting in someone’s way or being used as a new toy. I have spent the morning cleaning and have showered and tidied and everything :) I am supposed to be wrapping a rather splendid box of eggs to send to my middle sister but i have lost it....seriously I haven’t pigged it, I have put it somewhere safe while I was doing the spring sort out as I bout it a couple of weeks ago. Went to wrap it on sunday and couldn’t find it and still can’t :( Happily have got something else to send but sooooo annoying. i haven’t felt so sleepy today so hopefully i just needed a good catch up have been up since 7.
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I only put mine in the drier to air them as they are dampish dry, never more than 10 mins either but if they are slightly damp it's impossible to air indoors as its damper (more damp) than outside.
It's a tad milder but too dull to be inspiring. Haven't done anything since my bit of shopping and now you're all keeping me talking :)

Can the boys smell chocolate at 100yds woofy? Have you put the eggs up high?
Mac (poodle) loved the washing line. He'd stand underneath sheets and towels so they stroked him as they blew back and forth and he could leap high enough to pull the socks off so he could play with them.

they are odd dogs Robi, they have zero interest in chocolate. yes I did have a whirly thing when i first had them....gave that up sooooooo quickly!!!!
They'll be right under your nose probably Woofy like stuff I put away and can't find .
I see it hasn't taken long for the news mob to descend into the usual name calling and point scoring in view of this tragedy in Brussels.Shame on them.
Mustn't let a tragedy get in the way of their big egos.
Well I moved my backside for a while if only to spark an appetite.
I'm a magician, I can pick something up in one room and by the time I've walked four yards it's miraculously disappeared. I'm going to try it with two items at a time tomorrow. :)
Some of 'em don't half like to labour the point shaney.
Never mind, woofgang, they will reappear some day when you least expect it and you can treat yourself. Meantime, maybe one of those ovulation detector kits could be reconfigured to detect chocolate eggs?

Went to dinner with sis last night at a fab Italian that looks like a large garage but does wonderful food. She has ducks in her street so you have to be careful when driving. It's a soulless new estate but there's a stream somewhere nearby.
Ay up mi duck...none on my street that I've noticed just crows and pigeons. There's a pair of long tailed tits in the garden, so sweet, they sound like they're tutting. Or that might be me.
Do you know that between us we've put in over 70 years worth of drivel on this site....and some people are even interested. :)
Sweet dreams.
70 years Robinia ? time does fly.
I watched that new drama The A Word .Lee Ingleby is in it. It was very good, about a little boy who's autistic.
More drivel ...Am half way up the sleeve of my cardi and had sausage and mash with green beans for dinner if anyone reading this is interested:)
Night all.

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