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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
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Good morning. I love our drivel,
Yes shaney I also watched the A word, good wasn't it. My niece in Oz has three children with autism but they have all had intervention and go to normal school and play with others and even go camping with the schools. Very well managed. Whereas I have a friend here who refused to accept the hospital's diagnosis in UK so brought the kid back here who never ever leaves the flat, has never done to school plays all day on the computer. The mother tried to home school but the was it. So sad, especially as she was an older mother and heaven knows how the child (now 16) will cope if and when the mother dies. She's never been to a shop or met others. No one can just call round as it sets the girl off!
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..sister has had her results from her nexj biopsy. Its not cancer thank heavens but something like osteo necrolising or similar. They may have to realign her jaw but it was caused by the drugs she was given when they said she had bone cancer ( which they don't think she had after all!) afraid, I'm a bull with a sore head. Bit like a bear but less fluffy and more flatulent.
I didn't watch the A Word, I'm not in the right frame of mind for anything like that at the moment....all I want is lighthearted drivel. Must be the full moon.

Well it's good that it isn't cancer neti but it still sounds nasty. Hope they sort her out quickly.

Shaney I turned my knitting into a disaster too so I can either abandon it or undo a big part of it and do it again. It was cheap yarn which was mistake number one.

I'm just talking my washer through it's programme, it's getting on a bit and turns ugly if I don't get the load exactly to it's liking. Tut...I never had this much hassle from ye olde dolly tub and mangle.
Blowing a Holley here and storms predicted all night. Don't they know I'm supposed to be on holiday?
Morning all
Oh that's not good Jno you should have come to a beach near me ,it's been lovely lately.Mind you it's all about to go down the pan rapidly just when the grockles arrive for the easter break.
I hope your sister will be alright Neti.
I've just come back from the library .I reseverved a book and it's now been in transit from Norwich library for a month .I think they must have put it on a horse and cart and it's gone via Lands End or somewhere .They can't find it.Tut.
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Lovely new supermarket opened here yesterday, it's the same as the one in ibiza that we always go to, and I've just walked round it and it has everything, so pleased, will save us a journey every Saturday.
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Good morning all hija and I ate Mr N's Easter egg last night. We haven't told him!
Morning all
Dull and chilly out there .The weather doesn't look very promising for the easter weekend either.
That's very bad and naughty of you Neti.You'll have to buy him another one now.
Off to see the nurse later with the gammy leg.
Grantchester was good .Paul Nicholls was in it for about five minutes until he hanged himself.Tut.
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I've given up on Grantchester. But am recording them so will catch up one day.
Nothing much open today or tomorrow or Sunday or Monday. Boring! And we've run out of gas bottles. Mr N is going to nip to a country stone in the hopes that they are open.
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That went off too quickly. I was trying to correct stone into store. Strange, when I try to submit it wont, when I don't want to it shoots off!
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I've drawn the short straw and have to drive hija to the airport, I'll be fine just hate the idea. I've got Barry Manilow to keep me company!!
Morning...just about. It's dull and started to rain.
I was gutted shaney, they gave us Paul Nicholls in Grantchester and then snuffed him out. How could they? Hope all goes well with the nurse.

Naughtineti if you eat many more of those easter eggs you'll need a new avatar
i know Robinia ,I was most unchuffed ,just imagine if it had been Clive Owen:)
Same old with the leg ,back next week then I get handed over to the clinic. Such fun.
My email has gone up the swanee now. Bgr. it.I can't send anything. I keep getting Pop..whatever that is ..failed and they keep wanting a password but won't accept it.I'll have to wait for a child to come round and sort it out .
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Nightmare drive to and from airport, lights in long tunnel were off, and although we have to have headlights on by law they are worse than useless, and I can't drive in the dark, which is why I do not drive at night. I was petrified. The guardia were swabbing people who set the alarms off, fair dos, parking was horrendously busy and took me ages to get out. Thought I'd have to pay again, road busy, and there was an idiot kid on his motorscooter right in the middle of the carriageway, no one could pass, we did eventually although I am sure I did not leave the required 1 and a half metres between us, I was busy gesticulating and shouting at the twerp to get on the arcen where he was supposed to be driving
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Washing lines full of washing as although it was so almost dry I couldn't fold it up and bring in as it would smell. Fed up. Also hairdryer has blown. I had a super reliable one which hija in her wisdom took to Dubai and left it there. I don't use them but hija does all the time.
I made mongettes ( chicpeas) with pancetta and sobrasada, pots! carrots, black pudding, it was delicious, I tidied the house, and changed the bedding, hoovered for the 4th time today! all in one hour.
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I am now clean and tidy and ensconced I'm my clean and lovely bed. Mr N is having the front room and as he has a dry cough may sleep in hija's bedroom but we won't tell her,
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Love the new avatar Robi but I look pregnant!
Too much chocolate does that to a girl, Neti.

Tuned out sunny again for Easter but everything is shut. Maybe we'll go to the beach. Got an email from the USA yesterday saying "you don't have an e-passport so we've cancelled your ESTA" (which is the US visa). I do so have one but spent the day panicking about being turned away at LA airport and losing all the money I'd spent on fares and hotels. Then I got another email saying "changed our minds, your ESTA is okay again, sorry about the inconvenience". Inconvenience? I was going spare. Stupid Americans.
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Oh jno. Where exactly are you? I have no idea.
That'll be your easter bun in the oven neti...

Oh dear jno, must be something in the air...but at least yours is warm air. My sister phoned to tell me about a rant she'd had at someone (with good reason) and I had a rant about a rant I'm probably about to have very soon. On top of that I've had a lousy headache all afternoon and it's been a thoroughly miz day.
And I thought it was Friday. Hey ho.

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