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Ab Won't Load On My Tablet.

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shaneystar2 | 14:48 Thu 28th Sep 2017 | Technology
975 Answers
My Samsung Galaxy tablet won't load the AB page. It sticks half way across and then I get a message saying that this web page is unavailable.
It only happens with AB. It was like this when they changed the site so I downloaded an adblocker and it's been fine.
Now it doesn't load again although the adblocker is working.Everything else I use and look at on it is ok apart from AB.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this ?


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Marius is going to have a look at our crumbling rooms tomorrow with an eye to sorting out flooded floors, holes in ceilings etc etc next week. He is a super-good workman from Poland. Meanwhile I can't be bothered putting my socks and knickers in the airing cupboard, they've had to come out again four times in the last year and each time I can never remember where they all went. So I'll wait for Marius to finish the job and then put them away once and for all.
My goodness Woofy you have been busy. Slow down. Mr N is out in the tremendous heat building and rendering my new kitchen. I go off for coffee!!
Oh Shaney, say no more!
hello all its stupidly hot here. Next door's children are screaming in the garden and the house looks like a bomb has hit it. Happily I have got 4 days now before nice man is back to instil some order before it all starts again. Skip is going monday or tuesday which will be a huge relief as I can then bring my car round to the front of the house from the nearby layby. Did I mention I hate hot weather?
Woofy say no more. I loathe, hate and abhor hot weather!!
oh dear, somebody's OH isn't going to be a happy bunny this evening. I hope there aren't too many storms over Norfolk :-(
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Very hot yesterday but a cooling sea breeze today.I've had years of work in hot shops,kitchens and bakeries so no work in the heat for me these days apart from basic household things so I've been mostly in the garden under the shade with a book and my crossword mag.
Yes, it's all over now.What a shocker.The air was a bit blue.He'll watch it all until the end though but I can put the flag away now,then its my turn, for Wimbledon.
Hope you're all ok and that all your various renovations are soon sorted.
Night all.

Oh dear. We did cheer for Korea simply because they were underdogs and so sweet. I have nothing against Germany whatsoever. Felt guilty for Mr S, I admit. I also wanted Nigeria to win, they didn't.
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Lol Neti.You don't have to feel guilty on his behalf.I don't.It's only a game, though at times you would think it's a matter of life or death here:)
They played badly and will have to suck it up.
Reading the German press this morning they're saying there's dissent amongst the team and they have no heart or soul anymore.It may have something to do with all the hooha over Ozil and Gundogan shaking hands with Erdogan and they've been pilloried in the press and by the fans and I think doing that has made the pair of 'em a bit unpopular with their team mates.
Nice day again ,not too hot ,just pleasantly warm and breezy.

still too hot here and no sign of a let up. Shower works though and doesn't leak even one drop. And Flotex on the bathroom floor is really luxurious. As usually happens with a long hot spell, I have come down with a stomach upset. Moan groan grumble.
hello, great white spotted off the Balearics.

Just as well some folk have their own pools.
still hot, still got stomach ache, still moaning.
Did it strike anyone else as ironic that the last one (Great White) was discovered because it was caught by a fisherman?
Hello. Just popping in before bed. Have friends here so have been out wining and dining and 2 nights on trot plus last Sunday has taken its toll. I am shattered. Now for a quiet weekend.
Yes local paper is full of great white shark and island is full of other sharks too!
Now have aircon blasting away. Goodnight all.
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That great white whale was me Neti,I'm doing a round the world swim:)
Not as white and uninteresting as I was though,building up a bit of a tan now.This weather can continue.Mind you it's not stifling here being near the sea.Hope you're all ok .
hello all still too hot here but wonder of wonders, stomach has settled. I never burn or suntan, just stay Great White. Have begun setting kitchen to rights which is nice, can't really strip out t'other bathroom or move entirely into newly done one as the loo connector broke when the loo was taken out to lay the floor. Still all progress is progress.
Morning all. How is everyone? Sounds good woofy once it is all finished.
Another cockroach in my cockroach free unfinished kitchen, no idea how they get it. Took Mr N several attempts to smash it with my rubber flip flop. I do hate them. Never saw any years ago.
Hope you are all managing with the heat. I am a nice golden tan but that's mainly from a tube!
Enjoyed a nice peaceful home day yesterday.
good morning. Lets take it as read that it is much too hot shall we? I have done a bit more house sorting and am now resting.
oh shaney, just been reading about the bouncy castle, how awful.
Yes me too Shaney. So awful. You never think these things are going to happen. But you do have a lovely beach.
My remark and flag about footy didn't appear.
Spain b u m m € r
yes I saw about it on facebook. Really horrible. I never dreamed they could kill like that.

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