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Could It Be My Computer

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emmie | 07:03 Mon 14th Oct 2019 | Technology
67 Answers
renewed my contract with EE, and they promised and delivered a new router and installed it for free, which was good. Only thing is the speed seems
as slow and takes a full 5 minutes or more to open anything.
i have a relatively good but old computer could this be the reason everything is slow..


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most of the things suggested are not difficult to do, a good local independent computer engineer should not be to expensive.
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will look out for one, a mate might be able to help, she is quite a clever lass.. if i ask her nicely and make the tea....
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Ok emmie a couple of guys I know do it for a living, and sometimes they spend most of the time waiting for repair programs to run, so costs add up, although one has started doing a take away and repair service at a fixed cost, so he can be doing something else at home while computer is doing its thing.
Emmie, find the little local man who is an independent - should cost you around 30 squid. Ask him to do a clean-up. If you are using Windows, your machine, which doesn't have oodles of memory capacity to begin with, may well be clogged up with past Windows updates...they don't remove old ones when updating.

On my last machine, I had 44GB used out of 80. I bought my new one, an Asus, from my man and he transferred the files over - to my amazement it was 21GB out of 280 - he explaining that over half my memory on the old machine was these back-updates..... Your speed will seriously improve....
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no just a cup of builders stuff, its what she likes.
will see if there a local who can have a looksee.
Have you tried connecting directly to your Router by cable to your pc and verifying if it improves the situation.
I also agree with having a 'de-clutter', surprising how much rubbish accumulates over time.
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slackalice, don't think i have any cable to hand. Will persevere for the moment i guess.
emmie - it's very common for routers to include an ethernet cable in the box. It has terminals very similar to a telephone cable but is much thicker.
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I might have got extra ethernet cable when the new router came, but like the router and stuff inside got binned when the new router was installed.
Here's video showing you how to install and run ccleaner if it helps. It really isn;t difficult to do :)

@chelle7272.....I really do Not think that CCleaner is going to help our friend emmie.

It has always been my opinion that CCleaner is dangerous unless used very carefully. It involves interfering with Windows Registry and can complicate matters to the loss of items which are important but cannot then be recovered.

I think emmie must contact a friend who can try the laptop and see what they can make of the position that prevails and then report back to us in Answerbank.

It might be a matter of repositioning the Router in relation to the laptop. Or running a Windows inbuilt 'Disc Clean-up'.

Whatever the position, I would still suggest that emmie avoids Professional Repairers until she feels that Answerbank is unable to assist her further.


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guys, rather than open yet another thread, can someone explain about defragmentation - Tonyv this morning suggested this as the way to speed up my sloooow PC,
I downloaded Avast pc cleaner, but you get to a certain point where you have to pay.
Tony said that you can go to your homepage and look at Windows icon and then click on that, but i am at a loss to find the windows icon, sorry to be so thick but this really isn't my thing.
I've used avast & avg in the past but I now use the free version of advanced systemcare. It has various clean-up utilities & a defragmenter, uninstaller, startup optimiser, driver updater, etc.

Seems to work!
Hi emmie is your slow computer coincidental with your new router being installed?
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hi tony no it's been slow for an age.
emmi - Windows icon = Start button, usually at the bottom left corner of your desktop screen.

From there choose "Computer" and right-click on your C drive, then choose "Properties", then "Tools" then "defragment".
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thanks mamy,
tonyv didn't you say click on the icon, yes i know where it is bottom of screen left side, but when click on it right side don't know what to do from there.

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