Am disappointed to find I can no longer get my information text, you know when you go into BBC - hit the red button, green button etc. and that gives you a load of daily news, etc.
My last TV Samsung had no problem so just wonder why Sony don't have it. Thanks for any answers.
I;m just thinking would it have anything to do with Samsung only being Freeview and Sony is Smart. Mind you I can go back and forth from the freeview to Smart and it was always the Freeview that gave you this option/service.
I have a Sony smart tv and get the red button service, JJ.
I have to be on Freeview (not Virgin or Sky) and on BBC1 to bring it up on screen. It can take a few seconds
thanks Barry - I do go into Freeview but the red button when pressed usually brings me to the teletext but not working. Would there be a fault already with the remote control
err - just went down and pressed the red button, loads up but not my usual teletext, just 4 or 5 info channels on the left, and so I hit BBC and it said - you need to sign in, never had to this before.
This number is on the remote -
RMT-TX300E (if that's what you are looking for)
when nephew was installing it on Wednesday - he tried numerous attempts to "sign in" for BBC but wouldn't work. I think it said - you are registered - yet can't get in
I’ve never used teletext JJ, you might find this useful tho, or it could be what Barry has already said above
///You can still access Teletext like services such as the Weather/News/Lotto when Red Button + is activated. However, the service only works if your TV or set-top box is connected to the internet. In short, the new version of Teletext is only viewable if the TV is connected to the internet.11///