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Junk emails

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Jailer | 12:12 Fri 20th Apr 2007 | Technology
6 Answers
Somehow someone in Americe has got hold of my email address, and now I am being bombarded with jung emails. Sometimes 50 a day. When I asked some of them to remove me from their lists they just sent them to my "normal" inbox. How can I stop them? Please! !


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You can't. Replying to them or requesting that they remove you from their mailing list will just confirm to them that your email address is active and in use.

You can download programmes / spam filters that are supposed to block spam - can't remember the name of most of them but Mailwasher is one - try Googling.

Or you could just change your email address!
or you could just bounce them which then seems like no such address exists and they will then, hopefully, stop
If you use Outlook Express or similar, try using Thunderbird instead. It has a good junk mail filter, that after some learning will be able to move the vast majority of it into a special junk folder, free from your 'good' email in your inbox.
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Gina 32. What is bouncing ?
Specifically from that tutorial, check out ultraVNC. Just make sure you set up encryption like it's described there, to make sure no-one else can snoop on what you're transferring.
Oops, please ignore my second answer. Wrong question!

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Junk emails

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