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what have I done to my Digis ma??

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woofgang | 19:57 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Technology
506 Answers
I have a computer/digi camera problem.....all of a sudden (seemingly) about half of my beautiful hi res photos have been converted to 640 by 480 res....has anyone got any idea what i did and how to undo it please??
I transfer them from card to hard drive using the card reader slot and the cut/paste option in "my computer"


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@!!****@@@ - sorry folks, am having a domestic day and am fighting the sewing, not going well today, Went for blood anaylsis at 7am and there was a 15yr old in front and he was terrified, so his mum was with him, and yep! he fainted!!! (I got the same vampire but she was fine!!)
AND......... I am an African Princess, and apparently own lots of property and jewels and they are being sent to my bank account as I speak, yay, bugger the lottery!!!!
well I'm not starting all that curtseying malarkey again Princess netibiza, my joints have seized up in this damp drizzly weather, it's horrible.
Apparently that postal scam's started again, the one where you get a card fro a company called PDS saying that they were unable to deliver a parcel and you need to call them ...if you do it costs about £20. tut, what's this world coming to?
Good moaning.I ve sent you a parcel robi,if you dont receive it by 12 noon just give me a call on 0845677321935.Looks like were getting "what you see is what you get" (wysiwyg)soon.Hope its on the tool bar like incredimail.And the ED mentioned colors to..(:O)I saw 5 pheasants sitting on a farm gate this morning...wish I had me camera with me....must go and do some work...catch youes later..(:O)
well Vinny I just hope it's a biddywysiwyg...any more buttons & bells on here & I'll be getting in a tizzywig. That's always the way with wildlife...I've been leaving dried mealworms at the bottom of the garden for a robin who waits in the hedge until I've walked away...when I went down yesterday he jumped out sideways with his wings outstretched as if to say 'Taa-daaaa!!'.... :o)
[parcel arrives....rips off stamps, sellotapes it to a concrete slab...."Return to Sender"....]

ooh, everybody in my street's had a parcel from you Vin...seems you're sending out bags of carpet fluff...good luck with the returns :o)
Funny that vinny, this morning I saw five peasants sitting on a gate!!!!!
haha, lol neti...

hmmmm, can you say pheasant plucker on here?
Afternoon, pleasant fu- ...that has reminded me, there's a Swedish musician called Peo Jönis - and you probably don't have to speak Swedish to figure out what his surname very easily becomes, with a slip of the tongue...!

I know what I would do with my Nigerian millions, I'd buy a place where they don't wait till January to turn the heating on :( I hate it when the tip of your nose is always cold even indoors, and your hands, your feet and everything you touch. Going out to buy some long johns later today. Black silk probably, I like those. I've found a lovely soap for washing silk, wool et cetera, they sell it at this silk weaving mill and it's so lovely I've started to use it in the shower as well :)

Any clues, anyone? Shaney?
well I'll go to the foot of our stairs Sweedie, that was my dad's name..can't help with the Q tho', sorry. My mum's name was Marjorie...any of those in your family? (Her mum was Emma Robina, lovely, I wish they'd given me that name)
Hi All I have an Uncle Cyril but don't ask me where it comes from.
Hi Folks
I got a parcel from Vinny ..two hard boiled eggs and a book on How to Cook the Perfect Fried Breakfast :)
Hope you are all creaking along nicely .Creak being the operative word .I have creaks on my creaks and crunchy bits .
That island looks lovely Kit ,reminds me of an island called Langeoog in Ostfriesland where we had a holiday many years ago. I got 15 right in UC last night Jude !!!! Are you like me and and sit there keeping a personal score ? I got over excited and dropped a stich as I'm knitting meself a jumper .
Did anyone see Collision .It's written by the chap who writes Foyles War .I thought it was good .
I only ever seem to get spam about Viagra and it's all in Cyrillic letters .
Cyril means Lord and Masterful .I've tried to answer your Q Kit and Dot has given a good answer .But I think Cyrils are few and far between on the crime novel front .You could contact Eurocrime .
Cold ,dreary , droopy and dripping here today .Thick sea fog .Bleugh .
I expect Jno is sunning it in some sheikhs tent somewhere :)
Toodlepip for now .
Snap robi, my mum was Majorie May Martin, over here they couldn't pronounce it and she was called ma horie - awful!! Her mother was Edith but pronouced Edit as she was french.

Have got out my swedish wrist warmers in readiness, keep them in the bedside table.
Hi Shaney. Well done on UC. I only got 6 last night. I keep a personal score as well I really enjoy the programme. My eldest son (The teacher) was on once well twice actually - they won the first round but lost on the next one. He went to Lancaster. I have a video of it well it's on DVD now.
Talking about Mum's names. My Mum was Dorothy Maude. Always called Dot or Spot. Her Mum was Maude Lavinia, A very Victorian lady.
My Mum was named Phyllis Edith Jenny. Her mother was called Nellie and Nellie's father was french and called Hipolyte! Dad's mum was called Dorothy.

This year is going from bad to worse!! Son has been made redundant and Mr LL has work problems and they both work for the same company. So by Christmas we will all be selling matches out on the street. I have decided to quite worrying and take each day as it comes. Sings 'I will survive' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(Not really being very good at communicating things at the moment)
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My great great great Aunts were called Dorcas and Keziah...I've got Keziah's bible with her name written in. My older sister is called Dorcas for her middle name but Mum and dad didn't think it was righ to foist Keziah on any of us...pity really. I am sat here feeling sorry for myself as i have a virussy thing. One of my neck glands looks like I have swallowed a hard boiled hens egg and feels like someone has punched me in it. Alcohol tastes disgusting so i am chugging lucozade. DH has gone out so at least i can pound on the computer in peace.
Well I'll meet you all at the foot of our biddy stairs...! there not a person in the UK that isn't called Cyril! (In Dad's case it was just one of his given names though, not what he was actually called.) And snap Neti and snap Lofty - my great-aunt was Edith...! ...but we always called her Titti, that's the Swedish moniker for Edith and Christina and such. (There was a noblewoman, active in the seventies I think, a jet setter, she was called Titti and she wanted to move to London and open a bar there, she planned to called it Titti's. Somebody stopped her ;-) No Marjories though but Robi do you recall we discovered a couple of years ago that our mothers birthdays were on consecutive days (my Mum's was January 30).

I'll check in on that eurocrime site now and then Shaney to see if they start a forum - thanks! Don't anyone *stares at Woofy* cough at me please. Keziah sounds really beautiful to my ears, what language is it? Lottie... it's a bit much isn't it... xxx
Well this has been the dreariest day...and no one's got any good news to share :o(
The coincidental names are nice tho' because they're not exactly common are they? I only knew a couple of Patricia's for all my life until I moved to this area... now there's one on every bloomin' corner...and I wish they'd all get off mine :o)
hmmm, Titti's bar?....I think not.

I haven't watched Collision shaney, I didn't feel in the right frame of mind for it...I'm just tending to watch soaps & other rubbish at the moment, I could do with a good laugh.

That sounds like the bug I had woofy, one side of my neck swollen, one painful gland under my arm & an angry red throat... get well soon...Original Lucozade tastes disgusting to me, it reminds me of being ill :o)

That's a rotten blow Lottie, not what anyone needs, hope your luck changes soon. I wish I could quit worrying but I get worse - I thought we were supposed to be calmer as we get older?
I'll go & have a word with my worry dolls but I do wish they wouldn't stick their fingers in their ears when I'm talking to them... tut.

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