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what have I done to my Digis ma??

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woofgang | 19:57 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Technology
506 Answers
I have a computer/digi camera problem.....all of a sudden (seemingly) about half of my beautiful hi res photos have been converted to 640 by 480 res....has anyone got any idea what i did and how to undo it please??
I transfer them from card to hard drive using the card reader slot and the cut/paste option in "my computer"


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Oh Lottie, what can I say... I'm really glad you've been staying with us through all this. I definitely recognise your need NOT to talk about "things", I'm the same, but I do feel very free with the biddies to talk or not talk. I'm so glad you're starting to feel a bit better physically. Emotional healing sometimes takes longer, but I think we often forget that it DOES take place. My generation has, I feel, talked about psychological / "mind wounds" as something that you can learn to manage and to live a good life in spite of, but that won't actually heal - but I do believe they too can heal and I do believe you will feel better in time. Stay with us and how can you not, ha ha...

Neti I didn't know that was still going on, it's been dragging on for years hasn't it, poor you. / The bracelet on the photo is made from cotton yarn, but you can use anything that will agree to stay in a knot. Did you chew on pencils growing up, I did, I can still taste them :)
Swede, I chewed on most things as a child but not food, couldn't stand it!!
Ooops sorry meant Swedie
Good thing you corrected yourself there Neti! ;-)
evening all, just a quick update with Charlie's progress....his heart is very enlarged & he has valve disease but they say it's very common in this breed & he's done very well to have come this far. They'd still like to do some dental work and obviously there's a greater risk with his heart probs so it's my decision but I don't want him to be uncomfortable. (he hasn't appeared to be & he's always eaten ok) Anyway I've booked him in for the 23rd but I can change my mind, even at the last moment. They had to mildly sedate him today, he wouldn't keep still for the scan, quel surprise, & he came staggering out like an old's taken him 2 hours to sleep it off & he's still a bit dopey but he's a had a treat with his dinner - some mashed potato.
And I spent half the morning rescuing Dwayne from down the drain -yuk!....erm, worry ye not, Dwayne isn't a plumber, he's a fat frog who lives in the drain & chose to fall backwards down the hole where the drain pipe goes. To cut a long story short he made it back onto dry land, dozy article..... The things we do....this has been some bloomin day.
Evening Robinia and everyone. Charlie likes mashed potatoes?? that's so cute. He'll sleep like a log tonight won't he. I would put his being comfortable before adding even years to his life, as I suspect you would too - it's just that in real life it isn't always easy to know what being comfortable is, is it... is it being left alone and not having to be upset by any more trips to the vet or is it having your teeth fixed... who knows, I certainly don't... I have this thing I do when I can't make a choice for the life of me, I ask people their advice and then I let myself be guided not necessarily by what they say but by how I react to what they say.

Frogs are adorable! Dwayne is very grateful, Robinia:

I expect Vinny is doing his physiotherapy exercises...
Hi Robbie,

Quite honestly, little Benji needs some dental work and he's 15ish so I won't have it done. Actually the practice have agreed it's probably for the best and he hasn't got a heart condition. However, one of the practice nurses literally chipped a lot of the plaque of his teeth with plier type thingies while I held him , and then gave me some powder stuff to put on food that inhibits more plaque developing. If I had tried to chip plaque of his teeth all hell would have been let loose, but he just let her do it.

You must obviously make your own decision, but if he is eating OK then personally I wouldn't agree to it.

He will probably be back to his usual perky self tomorrow.

Glad this ordeal is over for you.

Poor old Dwayne!!!

You are as bad as we are, Robbie. Our pheasants are all called Geoffrey!!

I have had a good day and managed a walk round Fakenham with a stick!!! Had a hair cut and colour and feel better for it. It was a complete mess as I hadn't been able to get to the hairdressers for a good few weeks after my usual haircut was due.

Oh hello Swedie. Fancy seeing you here!! :o)
<a href="
http://s3.amazonaws.c...46/blue_hair_blog.jpg - Hello Lottie

Can't do this without preview!!!
He he Neti!! About right.

Actually it's surprising how much better you can feel if your hair feels right. It had got too long and the blonde had gone frizzyish and dry and was making me feel awful. Frizzy has now been cut off, just a few light highlights through it and more bounce now. Surprisingly there is still not very much grey in there!!

Off to the doctors this pm!! I am trying not to worry. Whether I will actually make it through the surgery door is debatable, but I am going to also pop along to see the nurses for my normal flu jab. Piggy flu jab is now next Saturday.
Morning peeps.
Good luck lottie.I went to my physiotherapist and she is very tasty I must say...:O)well till she made me lay on me tummy and with one leg on the couch thingy she pushed me head through this hole and she kept pushing down on me back with both hands and I was bouncing up and down...didnt know if me luck was in or she was trying to kill me..!Ive got to put my arm behind my back 3 times a day and massage my shoulder....bloody sore it is.Anyways she reckons the treatment will last up to xmas.she did ask me all sorts of questions,like do you suffer from dropsy..! ey..she explained when you fall over,I said only saturday nights...she was not amused..hehe.!Looks like were in for some strong winds and heavy rain soon so Im getting me canoo out.catch youes later .
ps forgot to ask her if it was called a frozen shoulder jude....dont fink it is though..later>>>>(:O)
morning all...haha, love the pic of Dwayne but he's not that handsome...just a grumpy, old, squatty, ungrateful thing he is & I won't be kissing him - besides, he just might turn out to be a Dwaynetta :o/

Well Charlie looks better than I feel today...yes Kit I think one of us slept well last night :o)
It's a tough decision Lottie, there are some teeth need removing & when my son's dog had dental problems she became quite ill, but recovered well after removal. It's no good waiting until he's in pain 'cos sod's law says it would happen at night or xmas or when I'm ill myself. I've got to consider the fact that I'm the only one here to take care of both of us.That's good advice Kit because I've got a neighbour who, in my opinion, hardly ever makes the right decision (bless her) so whatever she says, I tend to do the opposite, haha. I'm also a great believer in 'the answer will become obvious'...despite all the crap that's happened in my life I see that it happened in the correct order & at the right time.

Ohh, this is all a bit profound for a Friday 13th! Have to say I quite like the number 13 but I'm not keen on Fridays.

lol Vinny, they're a bit tough these fizzios...I'd never been so embarrased in my life when I saw one (male). He sat on a chair & I had to stand in me bra & pants with my bum level with his face so he could assess my hips....good job I don't do thongs!
A true Story:

Years ago in my early 20s. I used to work at a University. One of the staff, an engineer, was well known for being a lecherous old man (although he was probably only about 40!) We all steered clear of him. He was absolutely horrible.

Several decades later in my late 40's living in a completely different county, someone recommended a physio to
me locally and off I trotted. The name of the physio rang no bells - quite a common name. I rang the bell of his house and guess who it was.................................... he had retrained!!! I should have run but I didn't, I just stayed and felt very uncomfortable. Needless to say I never went back.
Hello folks
My last lot of physio ,whch was for my wobbly neck ,was dished out by a handsome young Australian chap.
Hope you soon feel the benefit of it Vinny .

I expect you feel a lot better for the hair do Lofty .Take heart ,every cloud has a silver lining or so they reckon Think positive .Says she ,who's the world's worst black dog merchant at times :)) Hope you get on OK at the doctors .

I'm glad Charlie is Ok Robinia.I think I told you about my old terrier Mickey .He had a dicky heart and rotten teeth but they chipped the nasty bits away . He tottered on to the grand old age of 17 .
.It's always a hard decision with pets as to what to do for the best.
It's a bit grim here ,raining ,dull and dreary and I feel as if I have been trampled upon by a herd of marauding elephants and don''t know where to put myself .The washing I forgot to bring is sodden wet on the line but I can't be fiddlesticked with it .
Have a nice weekend all .Toodlepip for now .
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Hello all. Lottie and Robi just wanted to say i really really know how you feel especially that spaced out feeling, you get so there is no emotional response left and yes sometimes talking helps and sometimes you just want a place where no one knows and you can just for a while pretend that none of it is happening. If Charlie does "go" under the anaesthetic at least it is peaceful and bacteraemia from bad teeth can be nasty but you know your own dog best and I too believe that things do become clear if we just wait a bit. Queen Elizabeth the First said something to the effect that half the function of statesmanship was knowing how to wait and let time pass and I think she had something there. I will add you to my prayers if that's okay. Funny gland thing much better. I actually could taste my coffee today...doesn't food feel foul in your mouth when you can't taste it?
My Mum was a Dorothy too but Dad was a William, not a Cyril, big sis is a Patricia tho.
Got an enforced day's rest today as I hurt my back again yesterday but I remembered we had an untrasound thingy stashed away that we got a couple of years ago for my bad knee...gave it a go and the improvement was amazing. Keziah is like Dorcas, a hebrew name but i don't know what it means. Dorcas means a gazelle.
Be polite to the physio Vinny, they know more ways to hurt a man than you can possibly imagine....
Why has my page4 changed and gone all little??

Right shaney and anyone with thyroid probs, for the last few months I have been itching all over, so finally took my self to the fdoctors yet again, and he thinks it's my thyrpoid causing it (having first checked me over for unspeakable diseases, for which I gave him a right telling off!!!) Have you heard of this side-effect? I now have bright orange calamine lotion (doh!!) and some strong hidroxizina diclorhidrato (yes indeed!) which can only take at night cos will make me sleepy and I'm sleepy enough at the moment. I am fed up with being old and infirm!

Poor Charlie, can't advise you cos don't know what I'd do in your case.

and as for frogs I would have stuffed it completely down the drain,if I dared touch it, hate the things! Sister has one which loves her drain - strange things!!
Thanks for your kind words Woofy. x Glad you are on the mend now.

My middle name is Patricia. Dad apparently liked the Actress Patricia Roc(k) and the tune 'Patricia' was popular at the time.

Cha, cha, cha (My parents were keen dancers)
Found it Woofy, it means 'cassia'.

I'll give you a massage that lasts till next Christmas Vinny he he he, actually, I've posted it before but as I've seen it a hundred times and still can't not laugh, I persist

Speaking of Dame Edna, Neti, I was looking for clips with the real Julia Child the other day after the movie, and I found one where she sounds exactly like D.E....! I'll try to find it again but right now I'd better get a move on.

*stops in the doorway and talks for another ten minutes* BTW I've decided to have the piggy jab but there's not enough vaccine till the beginning of December at my clinic. Have any of you heard any reason why a person should not have both the piggy one and the seasonal one, or if they should be taken in a particular order, or if there should be an interval between them and if so how long. I wouldn't feel good about having any of them right now as my rib muscles are still not healed, but on the other hand I'm quite scared of getting either flu :(

Actually, I didn't realise until I have just looked through some pics of Patricia Roc, just how much she looked like my mother at that age. Made me realise why my Dad married her!

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