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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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LMAO Nets about your remark about Mr Nets!! You do make me laugh.

She is lovely Neti, they all are! I don't care if they sleep on the bed or not. They go to their own baskets soon after we go to bed though!
Hmmm you wouldn't laugh if he was really incontinent !
I put up with piddle on a daily basis :0(
Hi folks ,nothing doing here ...lovely day again .
Hope you are all OK .

Nice to see you Woofy and glad they are doing something to help Mr Woof and that you are getting some support .District nurses are worth their weight in gold .Take care both of you xxx

Good luck a the dentists Jno ,you'll come out pounds lighter :)
Sorry Shaney. I didn't think before posting that :o(. I do understand what you and Mr S are going through. x
I know shaney, I was thinking of you yesterday, having heard about condom catheters, they sound rather good and not intrusive. Can't Mr S wear them? I saw how ragged my sister was being run but now bil knows when he wants to go but cannot always get there in time. she's forever steaming the beds athe the carpets and floors. Bil had a strange stand thing contraption to hold his night bag, really medieaval looking, has Mr S got one?
I've mailed you Neti x
Scorching here .Even I can't hack it and I love the warm weather :) But this is a tad toooo warm .I can see why you love it cooler Neti if you have this all the time in the summer .
I'll probaly be griping that it's too cold soon ..haha
My joints ache .
Evening all. I'm so tired. I had one of my couldn't get to sleep nights last night and came down for a drink at about 1. So it'll be UC at 8 then bed I think for me.
I know what you all mean about incontinence, My mum had a stoma and was incontinent in the last year of her life. She was 85 and beautiful. she was devastated that she couldn't control her bladder yet she coped brilliantly after the colostomy she had when she was 70. If I'm repeating myself - sorry.

Lovely pet pictures Lottie. Great that they are friendly. My friend has 4 cats and they are very argumentative together.

It's very windy here now and getting darker. I wouldn't be surprised if it rained again tonight.

Have a good night everyone, take care. X
who hit my jaw with a sledgehammer? The 800mg of Ibuprofen doesn't seem to have made any difference (either that or it would be absolutely earth-shattering if I hadn't taken them) so I am now dipping into the Cocodamol supply.

I must be off before I start shouting at people.
Oh dear, jno.

Ibuprufen and a large shot of something might be good, or two large shots, or three.................... and then perhaps one for the road.

Poor you.

Sleep well tonight Jude and all you other Biddies.

Blimey Jno ..800mg . Have you asked the resident quack if that's OK ?
If not moniter the situation and report back :))
In the meantime Loftys advice is good .Have a large drinkie !
You are brave though .I couldn't go through that being a dental wimp .
You are hereby awarded the Biddy Medal for Bravery .....
jno the Brave! I'm off to dentist on Wed morning but hopefully I'll grin and show my false gnasher (not that I dare gnash anything with it) and she'll grin back and that'll be that!!
have just read the dentistry manual (a bit late, possibly) and it says no liquor for six days. I shall just have to pretend that rum and coke didn't happen.

The cocodamol seems to be kicking in, thank heaven.

None of this is bravery, it is running out of teeth. I have just enough to get by on but if I lose one more it will be Milupa for ever. So action had to be taken.
I have no practical teeth at all, cannot eat steak or crusty bread, mouth and smile look Ok but are not functional. I gum most of my food!
my vampire days are over too, neti

Amanda Knox all over the telly here
Poor old crocks we are .
I have a bridge at the top and a half doings at the bottom .I eat very ,very carefully these days .
Gone are the days of biting into an apple or a bit of crusty bread . O woe !
Hope you soon feel better Jno .Take it easy xx
Yes I see she's been acquitted . That'll please the banger on about it .
Strange case all round really .

Just watched Doc Martin .Hilarious .
Have a goodnight folks .Sleep well .Should be a bit cooler tomorrow .
I just adore Martin Clunes - I love that programme, such a tonic.
ha, good for Jayne, she actually seems to have read a great deal about Knox rather than just taking her opinions from the front page of the Mail. Besides, she's always so good humoured, she cheers me up.

On the other hand DT is a sleazebag full of dirty jokes and smarm. But keep it to yourselves.

Told you my teeth were making me grumpy.
Oh don't get me started on him Jno :)
He's one of the biggest disher outers but can't take it on here .Threatens to report anyone if they have a go at him .Big chief bulls droppings .
I've just had a pop :)
I haven't followed the Amanda Knox case very carefully but find it very hard to believe that she did it .I think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time .
Perhaps she and her chap were set up .We'll never know the truth .We weren't there .We can't judge really .
Now ..I am finally going to bed !
Goodnight dear friends .Love to the Woofs xx
Morning all, are we all still in bed<'' tut and double tut!!!

Mr N installed the new printer, not rocket science but it is to us! and it is up and running, very pleased.

I take all my news from Sky and Daily Mail. Very strange and sad case. I'm fascinated by the Michael Jackson doctor trial, love it!

Am downloading Doc Martin at the mo, he is a little bit too grumpy I think, Mr N can be very grumpy but smiles sometimes. Was watching Midsomer and think that Barnaby is just like David (call me Dave) Cameron. It must be noted that i have no political leanings except against G Brown!
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Morn...oops, a''s much fresher today and by the time I'd dragged myself to the shops I'd managed to get my own personal heatwave down to a manageable warm front. (tut, don't you just hate it?)

Oh dear jno, I hope the end product is worth all that pain...go easy on the pills and shout at people instead, (I can provide you with a list if needed). I couldn't do it, I have enough pain in my head as it is. I just hope the teeth I have see me through.

I just haven't got into Doc Martin in a big way, it seems repetative to me & I've never liked the teacher woman, there just doesn't seem to be any chemistry. The stars have been the dogs :o)

No, I've struggled to see it neti, but I see no similarity between either Barnaby & fact no one's like DC and halellujah for that. P'raps I should have dental implants & pay him a visit :o)
well, the dentist seemed to enjoy it all


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