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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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I think Robi has had a 'set to' with BT and they have pulled all her wires out!!!! ;o)
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Morning I is. Intitot?
Sorry for the absence, I'm over this months limit for bb but apparently you're excused your first offence so I'm here doing just the necessary stuff.
Good thing I logged on though, I've had an email from my cousin & there's lots of doom and worry in the family...that's the trouble when all your relatives insist on growing old. :o(

Glad you arrived back home safely neti. Looks like Ibiza's eagerly awaiting your new fashion show

Well I spent all day out in the sun yesterday & ended up having to fall into bed at 9pm with a pounding, spinning head... actually it's always spun through 360 degrees :o). Serves me right but it was too good to miss. I feel chewed up so I'd better be careful 'til we freeze again next week.

Better go and make sure my wheelie bin lids haven't melted & stuck fast.
Rushing through on way to layndry room. Got most of the washing dry last night but a couple of pair of jeans (sounds all grammatickally wrong!!) were left out and it stormed, so sopping wet now. Cleaning bathroom now, have done weekly shop, met visiting friends for coffee (one has lost a front tooth (she 80) so taking her to dentist tomorrow to see if they can temporarily stick it back in!

My mother's family hail from Suffuck, lovely place.
Ooops sorry about the spelling of Suffuk!
He, he. And it didn't get starred out!!!
Question Author did you get away with that neti? Have you been fraternising the Ed while you were over here?

It's 27C here, I'm staying out of the sun, I don't want to feel like that again, it's bad enough suffering hrt withdrawal.
My sisters said for you to see this, so when we join you next year, you'll know them :0)
^ it was taken in bro's mucky house, full of dogs and old LP records!
Lovely photo Nets. Say hello to your sisters from me. Looking forward to meeting them!! (and you of course!!)

Robi - I just went outside and swiftly came back inside again. Phew........... Megs looks pretty fed up with it too. Alice cat has been watching a Western on the TV. She enjoys anything with moving animals. I have upset her by switching it off and putting on Paulo Lutini instead.
Talking about Mucky - you ought to see the room I am in!!!
my my, yet another nice day, so I went to Canterbury to see the cathedral, which is very handsome (don't know why but I don't think I've ever beent here before). Lots of little carvings of saints on one of the tombs but you can tell which one is Becket because he has a sword poking out of his head. I suppose Sqad would tell him to take 600mg of Ibuprofen and monitor the situation.
Hello chums
That's a really lovely photo Neti .You are very much alike .

Been an absolutely lovely day here .Love it .Brilliant sunshine and quite hot but gentle sea breeze .
I love it and am storing it up for the winter .Vitamin D for the bones .
So... lounged in my brothers garden all afternoon ,stuffed cakes ,drank tea and gassed .And of course my bro always gets the whisky bottle out for me !
My youngest niece turned up too and we had a good old chinwag .I haven't seen her for a while .She's also my God daughter. She's forty next birthday .
Where does the time go .
We had such a laugh .It made a break . I come home feeling guilty though as poor Mr S can't go anywhere .
Actually I think he's glad to get rid of me for a few hours :)
Hope you are all OK .Make the most of this lovely weather folks ,they reckon snow is on the way next month .
Canterbury Cathedral is lovely Jno .
Toodlepip for now .Love to you allxx
Night night Biddies. Hugs to you all and a Special Hug for our Woofy xxxx
Just called in to say the show was really good and I enjoyed it apart from getting cramp in my leg and had to change seats so that I was on the aisle seat :¬)
Didn't have any tea before I went so am having some toast before I go to be.
Lovely photo Neti. Tell your sisters I would love to meet them next year.
Right I'm going to sign off. Have a good night all of you. See you tomorrow.
Good afternoon!

OK, so I'm talking to myself ;o)
Hi Lottie sorry you've been on your own today... I've been gardening and repotting my seeds and being quite busy job wise. It's cooled down now outside and my washing needs fetching in then I have the ironing to do. Hope your days been ok and everybiddy else.
Didn't get my lunch till about 3.30. so my tea will probably be supper :¬)
See yer later 'gater(s)
Hi folks
Glorious day here .Hope you're all making the most of this lovely weather .
My friend came round and took us along with her husband ( who's also poorly) and her little dog down to the seafront in her car . We left the men ( near the lavs ...hahaa..) and we walked along the beach with the dog and I had a paddle .
Had chish and fips out of the paper and it was lovely .Mr S really enjoyed it and I'm very grateful to her . Bless her .
Hope you are all OK .
Time for a bit of a snack and catch up tele . Farmers Market tomorrow ,crack of dawn as usual .But it's worth it for the lovely things .
Be good and take care .Love to you all especially the Woofies xx
Just popped in to say goodnight.

Had a lovely day. My friend is home from Spain for a month (staying with her Mum near Shaney) and she came over to see me today. We talked and talked and talked and talked and talked..................... I made some lunch and then we talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and talked until our respective OH's came and interrupted us.

Have a good night peoples xxxx
Morning all. Bet you are worn out now Lottie! You are all getting out and about, I have to go to a "celebration of life" today, colourful and casual clothes, that's my going out!
morning all, another nice day yesterday so we went beyond mere Suffick (checks spelling, mustn't have any more netiisms here) and into Norfick itself, for a day strolling round Norwich. That mustard museum does look interesting.

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