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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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I just started to take Ripley for a walk and he's boogered off, not anywhere on my screen. Damned dogs.

Just sold my LG Viewty to a very nice lad, it was the most difficult phone, and I couldn't get used to it, he seemed to work it Ok though.

I have just got out of my bed! Am feeling very 'Out of Order'. I think I overdid things yesterday and I hurt everywere as well as having a bad bout of IBS. Hardly slept last night.

Have scooted through your posts, but will be back later to read properly.

(Woofie, I ordered one of those M&S hats. I ordered large because I am a big head and when it came I lost my eyebrows too. I looked hideous!!

See you later folk.

PS I gave that non virtual dog a very long walk around Norfolk yesterday, but will definitely be back to take the large dog out soon.
Hi chums
I'm exhausted too after rushing round with Ripley .What a lovely dog .
Not a bad day here ,quite mild out and sunny .I think it's warmer out than in actually if that makes sense .

I tried one of those hats on in Marks Woofy .Cloches are in this winter .The medium / large swamped me and the small/medium was OK but I would have found myself tugging it down all the time .I'm still on the look out for one though . I love that particular one on the link but then I'd have to have another coat to go with it as it's quite a dressy hat :)

Oh dear Lofty ...take it easy today .
Love to you all and a special hug for you Woofy xx
Going back to bed for a couple of hours. I feel so cross with myself - there was so much I wanted to do outside today and even the washing hasn't been hung out.

Shaney, I decided too that those hats needed a posh coat, and I don't wear posh coats. I would like something similar but not stiff - a sort of woolly cloche.
I'm debating about this one in black ...
which will go with my black sheepskin coat .

and this one in brown ,which will go with that chocolate brown Maine coat .
Oh dear Lottie, poor you, have a rest, keep warm and feel better.

Shaey I prefer the first hat, but then I have something similar although have never worn it (in purple from elder sister).

Nice and chilly here. Am going to try to take Ripley for a walk whether he wants to or not!
Hello all. Lottie take care of yourself and feel better soon. I have had a quiet "normal" day. Run in with Homeserve (plumbing insurance) who wouldn't talk to me as executor even though they had written to me as executor because i couldn't get the policy holder's agreement even though they knew that the policy holder is no longer with us. "its not us its the data protection act" I told the little snot that that was a load of broccoli as the gas, electric, rates, water rates, BT, O2 mobile had all been happy to deal with me over the phone in order to keep the services going......made me feel loads better.
neti how is your bum today?
I have also been talking to a dear and old friend whose idea of support is to tell me how badly her late father was treated by the NHS....again oddly that made me feel better too.
Its cold here.....
I didn't type broccoli...I typed sh1te
hello, woofy, pleased to see your fire has not gone out. Broccoli sounds fine to me.

Went to a talk on Local History last night by a Local Historian And Old Identity. Very interesting, went back to the Celts, who apparently called the place Noble Leader or something of the sort. Then we chatted to neighbours who are off in a week or two for a cruise on the Irrawaddy, which of course left me green with envy. She kindly dropped off a brochure this morning, leaving me greener.

Apart from that, went shopping for OH's birthday next week. OH has firm tastes, getting firmer with the years, and already has pretty well everything an OH needs, so is increasingly difficult to buy for. So far, it's tickets to Jerusalem (the play not the city) and chocolates which, if they displease the recipient, can alway be scoffed by me. <licks lips>
Hi there Yes woofy the bum (as you so succintly put it) seems to be slightly better. The peas (after I had swept them off the kitchen floor having tipped an open bag upside down) seems to have helped ( not being over enthusiastic cos do not want to tempt fate.)

jno my OH has everything and if he hasn't he buys it, ergo not too much choice for me!
oh dear, neti peas on floor, these old Spanish customs.
Morning! Feeling somewhat better but still jaded. Back later!! x
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...and it's a quick hello from me too...back later.
Morning all
Lovely bright ,breezy day here .
Hope any poorlies feel better .

You tell'em Woofy ! You don't need aggro at a time like this but you always get it unfortunately. Keep your chin up lass xxx

Nothing much to report from Shaneytowers otherwise .
Take care all.
Good morning err afternoon fellow biddies. Hope you are all well nd sprightly!

Bck was painfree last night, but killing me again today, am getting toally fed up.
I would go to the doctors Neti .Just to rule out any underlying things .
It could be arthritic .My back kills me 'cos the OA in my hips goes right across my lower back too .
I had to wait ages in Superdrug yeseterday at precriptions ,by the time they got to me I was practically laying across the counter :)
I'm stuck on my crossword .
You know about cricket ..
Unflattering term for ICC Associate teams in cricket's world cup
I have M?N?O?S ..could it be Mangoes ? Minnows ? I've Googled away to no avail .
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Good afternoon cloche heads... :o)

Lovely bright 'n breezy day but cold in the shade...the one square of sun in my garden has a bloomin' great conifer in it, so short of sitting on the top of that I won't be doing any lolling out there.

That's right woofy, a good ole rant at someone does make you feel better....and quite often so do the friends who go on about their own problems, sometimes you just want people to treat you as normal.

Yes neti, get thee to a medico but there's no quick fix for bad backs you know. Have you got a lumbar support for when you're sitting, I found they gave a lot of ease, as did the exercises from the fizzio.

haha, I've often felt like lying on the conveyor at the check out shaney. In fact I thought I was going to end up lying on the floor in the co op, there was a queue, I was wearing several layers of tweed & crimplene & had a hot moment. The only thing I could focus on was the fact there was a young man in front & another one behind and how freaked out they'd be if I'd keeled over. :o)

<puts in a cosmic order for a cruise up the showaddy or somewhere, we can't be having green biddies in here...>
Hahaaa.Robinia ..I hotch from one foot to other .I lean forwards ,I straighten up and lean slightly backwards ,I lean on the checkout thing .
In fact I lean anywhere .Against lampposts , traffic lights,barriers ,shelves .
I sometimes wonder if people look at me oddly .
Good job there are plenty of seats round here to flop on my travels round the High St .
How I get from A to B at times is a miracle ,though it's more a matter of gritting my teeth and a stern talking to myself .
I come in and stagger to the nearest seat ....and that's the truth .
It's not always like that ,but more often than not these days .
Keep taking the tablets :)


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