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Help with sign in to AB

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Robinia | 17:26 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Technology
934 Answers
Can someone tell me in simple terms (this is a case of the blind leading the blind!) how to help netibiza get back on here please? She signs in & submits but just gets taken back to the sign-in again, she's tried a new username/email address but it's the same. (Windows XP Firefox 3). She's not a happy bunny! :o)


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lol shaney, I tend to take my trolley more often even if I don't need a lot & especially on dizzy days. It's handy to lean on except the handle is telescopic and if I make the mistake of leaning on the button it shoots down and so do I ...hahaha
Hi again, went to Morrisons and Lidls and came back exhausted with screaming hips, back and feet. Have decided I need to get a blue badge because I need a wide parking space these days to maneouvre myself out of the car - not the 10" or so that someone left me who parked next to me.
LOL at Robinia sitting on top of conifer. It's a bit too early for Christmas my dear!!!


See you later.

(c) Collapsing along with trolley.

It ain't nice getting older!!
I can't cope with the shopping trolley.I get in a muddle .
They have these trolley safe things in Morrisons where you can put them until you've done your shopping .But if there's not one free you're boogered .
I have tried going round dragging me trolley and a shopping trolley but I can't seem to cope .I feel as if I'm in peoples way .
Everyone is rushing and local shopping here is ..Go early or go later to avoid the students from the college who march about and push , shove,think they own the pavements and scatter their rubbish everywhere .
Phone up for one Lofty .You can but try .
My brother has one because of his dodgy knees ( knee has never been right since his replacemant and he walks badly ) and dicky heart .
You can apply via the county council ( at the Kremlin in Norwich )and do it over the phone .
Oooh thanks Shaney. I didn't realise it could be done over the phone. I have to have a photo though surely? I really do need one now because my feet are at their worst after I have been driving. The ankle action makes them stiffen up and I am in agony until they get going again. My neighbour with arthritis (not the Troll next door) got one quite easily.
Message from our Jude. She is without a computer until hers is repaired (Monday) so can't look in this weekend, but sends her love.
I am off my trolley! It is parked in the laundry room stuffed with odds and sods, I can't cope with it, and anyway Mr N drives me. I do use the trolley for extra (surprise) xmas shopping cos jars of pickled onions and tins of quality street weight a ton.

Have done 3 loads of washing and they are all artifically dried and put away, because I didn't start the washing until 13.30! Made putanesca for tonight'smeal as I just could not think of anything to make and couoldn't be bothered to defrost any meat.

22○ today, wearing jeans now but no need for cardi yet.
When I did use my trolley I always locked it to the nearest unmovable thing with a bicycle chain lock, cos there are 100's of the same trolley and folk walk away with mine!
hello all, chilly here real aches and pains weather. Sis is now on her way to Heathrow, she stays in a hotel overnight and flies out early tomorrow. I have a glass of wine with a mate last night. he is a friend of DH's who became a friend of mine. Oddly I knew his wife before I knew him through my job, they weren't married then so it wasn't until we met at a DH work related dinner that we twigged who each other was.
I don't use a trolley because I drive too...Yes Lottie apply for a blue badge. if your walking is difficult and limited you are entitled.
Delighted to hear that Mr S has a date, hopefully fixed for christmas?
have spent today clearing out the kitchen and keeping busy. tomorrow I am going to buy a new toaster and some chocolate
You don't need a photo Lofty .
Here are the details .

Chocolate ,toasters and glasses of wine are good for the soul Woofy xx

Have a nice evening folks .I'm off to lounge on the sofa and indulge in Homicide ..Life on the Street . I love American cop shows :)
Goodnight all .
bit parky, innit... Sainsburys this morning, filled out an insurance application this afternoon, and, er, that seems to be about it. Plus a few sudokus of course. And to further minimise my workload I shall just do some steaks for dinner, maybe with a nice slice of blue cheese on top or maybe just with some moutarde au basilic from Waitrose..
Thanks Shaney for that. You obviously just need the photos if you are accepted. But as I can walk OK sometimes, I think I might have difficulty with getting one, now I have read the rules. Will degeneration in both mid feet count, I wonder? I will give it a try.

Hat is very nice Woof, as is cardi. I have just bought a coat (yes another one) from Cotton Traders, reduced from £60 to £30 and I am so pleased with it.

This one in Truffle. It's still showing as £60 in the catalogue!

It is so snug and warm and knee length. Wore it to Kings Lynn on Thursday (Kings Lynn is always freezing cold!!)


I would love a cloche hat but have decided they just don't suit me. I do have a nice faux fur hat in browns and beiges and that suits me, so am looking for something similar in grey. I am now going to peruse that site on your link Woof.

jno, I have just finished another Sudoku book - lovely for lazy days :o)

See you again when I have perused the hats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
No good, I will have to try some on. They all look good on the models but I won't like them on me.

I like this though

Good morning trolley pushers and all others.

Woofy I bought a cardi like that this time in Matalan, only mine is thinner, and I love the hat. Are we getting like real old women wearing hats and carrying our handbags everywhere? <<<< Shudders at the thought >>>>

We are emptying the pool now, goodbye summer, although it is 24○
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Morning folks...hope everyone's aches and pains are easing. Milder here & the sun's just appeared so hopefully I'll be able to have an hour outside.

Love the cardi woofy, I've just trawled that site but the things I like most are sold out in my size :o(. I love the snuggly brown fur coat but I probably wouldn't get a lot of wear out of it. I'd look a booger in a cloche hat but this one suits me very well...'s my usual expression when shopping :o)
Hello trolley dollys
Hope you are all OK today .Nice day here ,quite mild and sunny .
I'm dithering round that hat site now and looking at cardies and more coats Ii like the faux fur one too.
I'll end with nothing because I can't make my mind up.
I found the answer to the clue in the end Jno.
It was Minnows .Never heard of it in that context before.
Roast dinner today .Enjoy your Sunday folks .
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lol shaney, I've been all around every internet shop again this morning (the sun went in) and here I is....with nothin' :o)
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oh well, two fleeces (one's for my sis) and some joggers from M&S...woop de do :o)
Morning all (well afternoon actually) baad night. Rab was sick and my poor dry heels burned all night, I had to get up and put cream on them twice...I have old lady's feet.
I also have a new red toaster and a significant part of Hotel Chocolat's stock.
The dogs are sleeping in the sunshine and I am going to do the same

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