after I tried everything to fix my internet explorer icon on my computers desk top, I still can't open the internet with the icon and I have to go to my computer and use the internet from there which causes several errors and I everytime I have to restart my compyuter. does anybody have any idea about how I can fix this problem and get my internet explorer icon back. thankyou
try right clicking the Internet Explorer icon on you desktop and selecting properties. There will be a box called target. Make sure that the path is leading to Internet Explorers location on your pc
Sounds like some of the IE files are missing or corrupted. If all else fails, go to and reinstall IE for free. Make sure you run Windows Update after you download IE in order to update to the newest version.
Just try getting a better browser, a good one is Firefox (mozilla).
Internet Explorer is what I call "newb" and has tons of errors/bugs.
At least with firefox u know whats happening and u can browse seperate pages in one window (tabbed browsing) which is more efficient.
If you have a corrupt file in IE you can repair it (well try!) by going to Control Panel, highlighting IE6 and clicking on remove. This will not remove it but give you the opportunity to repair.
As far as the desktop icon is concerned, drag it to your waste bin, then go to the IE6 file, left click and accept the option for a short-cut onto your desktop. {This may clear the problem up before doing the IE6 repair}.
If all else fails, re-download IE6 from the Miscrosoft download site.