Morning all. Hope you are all keeping warm and dry. I've made one early morning trip to the paper shop and one later to to the Co-op. usually drive to Sainsburys but stilll haven't got my car back from Son no 2. yet. He reckons he'll have to keep it until after tomorrow night as he has a gig to get to. A Dire Straits tribute one.
They have changed their names to Brothers in Arms Now. I have no idea why.
Don't mention washing to me Robi. I have bed covers and clothes hanging round my spare bedroom with the heating full on trying to get them dry. It's all wrong in the Winter you wear thick clothes and in the Summer thin so the drying process is all back to front if you see what I mean.
Yes Kit is a lovely lady and she has helped me very kindly regarding the ring.
I shall not forget it.
I will be writing more christmas cards today. I wrote all my 'specials' as I call them yesterday.
You may have seen this link but I think it is beautiful singing. Hope you do.
Forgot to say Hi Dolly when you popped in recently hope you are Ok and anjoying some warm weather.
Take care each and everyone of you including husbands.
see yer later 'gater(s).