I have spent many years in total in malarial countries only the first few weeks of which I took anti-malarial tablets and then decided I was not going to pickle my body in chemicals "just in case". Your doctor will insist that you should take them but the World Health Organisation (and all similar bodies) would scoff at any suggestion that all those living in malarial areas should take them. What is however very important is to take precautions against being bitten by mosquitoes which in these areas are most active at dawn and dusk and to a lesser extent during darkness. Use insecticide spray on ceilings and under all furniture plus around doors and windows in the room(s) you occupy. Keep room(s) completely closed while in it/them during the times mentioned. Use good repellent such as tropical strength mosquito milk on all exposed skin including feet, face, arms, etc. when out and about during the times mentioned by running a stripe along these front and back (even up past ankle, around hairline, etc.). If you can get a mosquito net to sleep under (insecticide impregnated is best) so much the better. Neither I nor any family and friends with me have had malaria - all took these precautions. The choice is yours.