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Going Loco Down in Acapulco

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VINNY100_2 | 13:29 Thu 17th May 2007 | Destinations
549 Answers
Or should I buy a pad in punta extapa. (:o)


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Kit It's Victoria Stillwell if that is any help. I hope it is.
Looks like Robi will have to get the knitting out again for you poor frozen souls ! I have to tell you we've just had the warmest Sept. on record ! It's Spring and the flowers are bloomimg madly despite the drought ,Ilove this time of year .
Well apologies for missing Jude's birthday ,hope you had a wonderful day.
Shaney I do hope you are recovering from your Shingles ,stress can be a cause of them -get a new pup to help you relax .Get well soon .
Neti what a brave person you are to go roaming round all those cold countries .
Even though I haven't posted on here I have tried to keep up with you all but only just starting to recover from "Blues" or whatever you like to call it .I don't want to bore you with the details so I won't.
jno are you a Govt.diplomat or a Travel agent ?
Enough for now ,write more later ,love to you all.
Morning Dolly hope you are feeling a lot better now too.At least you have some nice weather to cheer you up.Unlike here where it is dim and dismal !The last few days have been dire with rain and stormy conditions.
Talking of conditions and itics and itises I hope you are OK Robinia Thanks for advice re plant .I have bunged it in a pot so hope it will flourish.Very quiet here this morning even Vinny must still be in bed . And I was so looking forward to me toast and eggy .
I'd have been happy with a soggy weetabix shaney....what are you doing in here so early? are you off out to bag a bargain handbag?

morning dearies, 'tis dreary in Derby again but ever so slightly warmer. I'm not holding my breath but they're saying that it's going to be 20C by mid week!!! so don't put yer shorts 'n boob toobs in mothballs just yet.

I was going to ask after you today Dolly but you beat me to it. Glad you're still with us & I hope the lovely weather's lifted your spirits.

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Mornin ...think the suns trying to come out and make my day.nice to see you dolly.I was up at 5:45 and had a quick look on ere..was gonna wake you all up..but it was so peacefull..I thought why spoil it...hehe...!When I was driving this mornin down this lonely old misty lane..still a bit dark I suddenly saw this huge animal looking a bit wet and bedraggled..slightly camoflaged by the had a body of a puma and a face like a hound of the baskervilles....and it had two pointy fangs and it was dribbling...!!! wish I had me camera with me...but seeing has I didnt...I got the hell out of there before it had a chance to drag me from the car and have me for breakys....nobodys gonna believe me so Im keeping quiet...
must have me breakys now..later dudes...(:O)
yeh, yeh Vinny we believe you cough

oh no, he's followed you home

last glimpse of summer
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hahahahaha..but its true .!(:O)
just like this one
I've seen all sorts - ufo's, ghosts but I don't say much...for some reason people think I'm barmy (eh, me?) so I haven't got a chance of being believed. :o)

Yeah - I believe you too Vinny

Anyone remember Nina and Frederick? Well she's just come up to me at coffee time and asked what I thought of Denmark, what could I say?

I can't even post any link now!
is this thread losing all semblance of sanity....or have I been sniffin' too much Vick...?
Good God ..are Nina and Frederick still alive ?
Well he isn't but she must be well over 70 by now ..she was some sort of Baroness wasn't she ?
Oooh I say you do hob with the nobs Neti

I wasn't on a handbag expediton (:
I just couldn't sleep with me itics .But I have just got back from buying a pair of slippers and a half a dozen eggs .
lol shaney that was my first thought but no, here they are....

neta & hat trick...hahaha

I quite like that piccy!!
shaney dear, do get it right, I don't "hob" with them, they "hob" with me!!
<scrutines neti to see whether she looks like a woman who has �88 million>

Huh - I got 2 numbers and that was all. and I'd already spend most of it in my mind.
yep me too - only one number...

14 people shared it - �6,989,367.40 ea...that would have done nicely...tut.
Brilliant picture ! Your talents are wasted on here Robinia . Snottery lottery ....not even a number !
Ten quid would do me ....then I could buy cheap Gin and bath buns .
Mr S is treating me to chish and fips for tea .I think he feels guilty after his tin tidying ,forward planning ,electricity wastage lecture !
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Blimey I was just sitting in a cafe on the beach and ordered a feta and mint roll and out crawled a grasshopper..!!!
And tom jones came up to me and started singing" its not unusual"..Im having some weird day.It must be becks night ....(:O)
nice piccy robinia..Psst .we can play with maggies pic soon ..(:O)
rob the xmas jar shaney and fetch a bottle of gin for tonight..then we can annoy everybody..hehe..!..(:O)
oh no shaney does mr s know that we won't be able to buy a normal light bulb in a few years? It's going to be all low energy doofers....they make everything a funny colour to me. That'll make his day. Stockpiling starts now, hehe.
they'll have us cutting the plugs off our new electric mangles next...tut.

well this silly weather amazes me - it turned warm & sunny for a couple of hrs & I've done a bit int' garden & now it's dark & cloudy again...poop.

feta & mint roll Vincent? that what they call 'em nowadays...?

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