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Going Loco Down in Acapulco

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VINNY100_2 | 13:29 Thu 17th May 2007 | Destinations
549 Answers
Or should I buy a pad in punta extapa. (:o)


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All this is too much for me so I am going back to bed. But I did love the hound of the b.
Energy doofers! Oh yes, Mr N and I decided to go "green" and bought an energy saving light bulb at a exorbitant price and beggar me it lasted all of 4 days (oh all right - nights then) and then stopped working so we are ruining the ozone layer by using a normal bulb! < tut tut - well I never..>> >I>
hold on a minute maggie...back to bed? it's only 6ish...ask shaney for a swig of gin, that'll perk you up....

I've got one low energy bulb on the landing - I'm halfway up the bloomin' stairs before it comes on....
I was thinking about buying one of those S.A.D. lights, will they be outlawed as well then? Spose I'll have to go back to shining a torch under me chin..... :o/
euk - now that is sad Robi
I can see us all stumbling about in the dark with a prices candle before long and foraging round the hedgerows for firewood .
B. ridicularse ...These new ones they want to foist on us contain mercury and can't be recycled so whaddya do with 'em then ? Stuff them under your mattress .Gawd it gets on my wick ..they want to build new runways all over the shop causing even more pollution and than faff over lightbulbs. Tut and double tut
look on the bright side

and now we can all see what you're getting up to....
(this won't make a hidden link) o.php?cPath=22&products_id=61&osCsid=7d861c9e0 be7c757e75834d9efa0c5a0

the mind boggles.... I can't stop laughing......
Just what I need when I'm in bed with Inspector Brunetti !!
Oh dearie me .....
For God's sake ..I hope Vinny has gone out beerfesting and doesn't see it or my life won't be worth a light ...
Re. me going back to bed. Actually I ended up babysitting for a six year old, two fours and a two. Also a twelve week old boxer called Daisy. She was more trouble than the kids, so Now I am going back to bed ha ha .
After you with the gin Shaney
you mad fool maggie - we'll sent you a crate of wincarnis

eagerly awaiting another day in the life of Vinny

...went into a dream

And I thought we were weird having kangaroos in the street at midnight ! (the drought is driving them to look everywhere for grass). I'm certainly not going down Vinnys' way again -we went to Ilfracombe a few years ago - might try Derby next time .
Had a beautiful day out up Tamborine Mountain , had a Devonshire tea and then lunch up there . Lovely place but now getting too many bluddy tourist there !!!
feeling better to day hope you all are too Time for bed but a little too warm too settle down must remember to borrow Shaneys gin -used to be partial to a gin and orange or two ! bye xx
I don't know sigh I scrape together a few bob for a bottle of cheap gin and then they all start drinking it !
Hides the Toblerone under Robinias knitting just in case

Hope you are all OK on this lovely sunny day ..

Far out, Robinia! Unlike Vinny I haven't exactly shared my veggie meals with any grasshoppers lately, but y'all remember I was evacuated? and when I returned home a vegan organic food store had popped up two blocks away from here. Every time I buy their broccoli I find some insect in it or some caterpillar-looking little fellow; it's a bit like when you were a kid and you were looking for toys and stuff in the Corn Flakes boxes. They've got this glorious organic cashew butter from Carley's of Cornwall, cost you a fortune but it's so good I swear it's mind-altering. And these spacebars... good stuff... I don't have it in me to dance it off like you, Jude. I think I'll just register a complaint with my dentist instead.

Nina & Frederik!!! I remember them! Vaguely! Neti if you see her again ask her if she remembers the swedanes If you scroll down you'll notice Robinia sewed their costumes.

So what's your take on them talking dogs? I don't feel the clip has been manipulated (do you?) but probably the owners picked up on the things their dogs were "saying" rather than the other way around. Having said that, some of the dogs do seem to be trying to perfect their articulation to please their owners. How say you, Charlie?

Thanks Maggie. Should have been Sitwell...

VINNY!! Was your dog really- cetera (entry 179). I do want to know. thanks

Have I missed something about jno going away again...?

moonlight mile

Good song and a good film too, with Jake Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon (if you're in the mood to buy some DVDs.)

Bye now!
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Morning dudettes..!
now where did sunday go...oh yeah I went here....yo I use to go to sunday school in a bus the same has the one in the pic.And a little drive to Lorna Doone country i.yo this piccy was taken in the fiftiesyo
(taken from bbc archives)this photograph was taken in about 1959 with a simple camera called a Finetta. It shows Oare church in the Doone Valley on Exmoor � the church where, in RD Blackmore�s novel Lorna Doone, the heroine was shot at the altar on her wedding day. Curiously, the group of four faces clearly visible to the right of the aisle appear to be gazing up at the very window though which (according to local legend) Lorna�s jealous admirer fired the shot that struck her down...spooky..!!!
Sorry kip..I was joking about the was half german snoutzer and half Puma...(:O)did you know that woolacombe means "The valley of the wolves"loved the jagger thingy btw.Wake up ..toast is ready...!!!(:o)
will return with piccys of derby later dolly..hehe..!
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yo your catch a cold you will(:O)
white wabbits wobblies - it's a gloomy start to the month. I woke up at 5, 6, & 7am & it was as dark at 7 as it was at 5.

hahaha - I'm always being told I'm not wired right...the funny thing Vinny is that they do look like my hands. And if that's anything to go by I doubt your pics of Derby will do much to attract Dolly fact I often toy with the idea of leaving myself. I think I'd rather live in Nottinghamshire but I don't like their hospitals...& the older you get the longer you spend in 'em.
ooh, Lorna Doone...Clive Owen was in one of the film versions wasn't he?
<drifts off into a dream>

Space bars Kit...are they those high energy things? Tarquin & his mate had theirs stolen by foxes on a camping trip once - for three days there were reports of foxes breaking land speed records & jumping 8ft walls in Yorkshire...hahaha.
(jno was going to Boston & expecting 90C & beautiful fall foliage so I'm assuming that's New England & not Lincolnshire in drizzly old England).

right, I'm having a curtain washing week ( finding it hard to conceal my excitement) & there's some windolening to be done, to be done....oh heck I think me cleaning arm's short circuited.

Here is a bit of useless information for you. One of my sons had his banana pinched by a monkey at Twycross Zoo. (My god, get a life.)
looks round...this is taking energy saving a bit too far...wakey, wakey!

maggie useless information is compulsory in here - it's a kind of a Whackipedia.

I was going to say a Biddypedia, but maybe best not...don't want to tempt fate. :o)
Anyone watching "Dancing with the Stars" on UK Gold??? Oh I'm through with Baz now, I'm all for that gorgeous Mark Curan, (OK so he's a billionaire - but you don't think I'm that shallow do you?) He's just had a hip replacement but the way he swings the leg, to die for....................................................

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