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Car Wr

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foxyferret | 21:34 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | Motoring
3 Answers

Hi, my daughter has had a car wrap on less than 50% of her car. Phoned one call insurance who she is with to inform them and they said they will not continue to cover her as they consider it a modification. I'm not sure if they mean immediately. This is not a commercial vehicle and the wrap is bears and typhoon jets easily removed. Does anyone know of a company that will cover cars with a partial wrap? I have looked online but no luck so far.



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Might be worth using a broker for this, as with any car or driver that is not 'standard'

Your daughter needs to make sure that she is still insured as soon as possible 

Adrian Flux is a specialist broker, with countless recommendations here on AB over the years.  So that might be a good place to start:

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