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boyfriend hates my friend

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kazzianne | 12:36 Thu 11th May 2006 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
My boyfriend hates my friend so much that Ive stopped inviting her over when he is here.She hasnt cottoned on yet,as when I do see her its in the daytime,but I cant keep this up for much longer.He has good reason to not like her,but I feel very sorry for her and just dont want to shut her out.I casually said the other night to him that she was gona pop over for a drink and he just said that he hoped I was joking.He would never stop me from asking her over,but I know he would barely speak and so she would know there was something up.What should I do??


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lol Pippa - I knew what you meant.x
An ex friend of mine treated me like dirt, lied to me and took advantage of me for years. I couldnt see it, my bf could. I did have to choose and I know I made the right choice Im still very happy with my bf. My ex so-called friend made up lies about me when we stopped talking, so I know I am better off away she really was nothing but trouble. What Im trying to say is, depends if she is a true friend or not. True friends dont lie to you, and its quite possible your boyfriend can be more objective than you in this situation. Alison x

Ha I have the same problem as you my boyfriend hates my mates guts only if they are in each other's presence my boyfriend threatens to punch my mates lights out and they try to use me as the middle person to communicate their hatred to each other. The other day I totally flipped after my bf told me to tell my friend that if he talked to him again he would knock him out. I told them to both leave me out of it and if they both liked me they should sort it themselves cos I was sick of being put in the middle. It totally did the trick neither one of them have mentioned it again - they arn't friends but they are at least civil to each other - so i recommend asserting yourself to both of them that you wont be in the middle of them (if you haven't already) Good Luck!

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