While honesty is the bedrock of a relationship, the occasional white lie smoothes the way - it's really a matter of degree. Saying you've had one glass of wine when you've had three is one thing, saying you've been out with the girls when you've been sleeping with your partner's best mate is another! The best barometer is - are you lying to save hurt or embarrassment to your partner, and if your lie was exposed, what would be the consequences? If you apply that logic as a yardstick, you'll soon know what is and what is not appropriate. If you do have to tell a white lie, keep it very simple, and as close to the truth as possible. If you are found out, own up, and give your (good) reasons for doing it. If you find yourself in a tangled web, as Shakespeare put it, you are on the wrong side of things, so fess up and get it sorted - you can't lie your way out of trouble, only into more trouble.