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kumargovind | 17:28 Sat 13th Feb 2016 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
how do the bitterness in cucumber is removed by just chopping and rubbing at its ends.......please give me the scientific answer
thank you.


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Science seems to have no answers about these methods.
the answer is it probably isn’t :)
Is cucumber bitter? I don't find it so. It must be my taste buds.
I've never found them to be bitter either.
It depends how thinly they are sliced. The thicker the slice, the more bitter the rind.
There are many different varieties of cucumber grown around the world, some it seems are more prone to bitterness.

We tend to buy just a couple of varieties in the shops in this country.
I don't think I have ever eaten a bitter cucumber....I am sure that I would have remembered iff I had !

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