Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Do You Recognize This Man?
He wouldn't be throwing a pot of paint in the public's face.^^^
14:13 Sun 13th Mar 2016
A man? ... not unless it is this bloke https:/ /cdn.ps ycholog ytoday. com/sit es/defa ult/fil es/blog s/161/2 012/01/ 84526-8 0460.jp g
That is a very badly cropped photo. The rest of the image can be seen here.
http:// news.me t.polic e.uk/ne ws/man- charged -and-se cond-su spect-s ought-r e-chris tmas-ev e-stabb ings-15 5382
They have already charged one of the assailants.
They have already charged one of the assailants.
If you squint a bit, it could be this chap from Scream:
http:// vignett e2.wiki a.nocoo kie.net /scream /images /6/6a/G hostfac e12.jpg /revisi on/late st?cb=2 0110517 055621