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Wish I Knew This Years Ago!

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Chipchopper | 21:13 Sun 13th Mar 2016 | Food & Drink
32 Answers
Anyone else see that snippet of advice on how to crumble your oxo cubes, in the paper the other day ?.

If not, hears what you do: Just squash the foil wrapper, before opening and voila, tear the foil and sprinkle, and no mess!

I've just tried it and it woks wonderfully!

(other stock cubes are also available)


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Nice of you all to bisto these cubes of wisdom on us.
01:13 Mon 14th Mar 2016
I do use OXO and Stock Pots also liquid stock (Knorr).

How do you make your gravy Tony?
oh gawd, she's here
With Dairylea and Toblerone, Mamya.
There should be a law against Toblerone.

The devil's chocolate.

///So smaRt of you to pounce on my typo Baldie, you must be proud of yourself.///

There are other replies on here displaying a SOH, why not include them as well?
^Because he,,,,,,igknorred them. (sorry)

Is that your stock answer?
No, I jus made it up.
Consommate your friendship, broth of you...
Nice of you all to bisto these cubes of wisdom on us.
I'm not that way inclined. I'm puree as the driven snow.

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Wish I Knew This Years Ago!

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