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How Will Brussells Punish Us For Our Insolence?

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ToraToraTora | 14:13 Mon 23rd May 2016 | News
45 Answers
I can't figure out how but is seems an in vote is certain so how will we be punished?


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There's slavery in Britain today. But only amongst our immigrant friends, so I guess we shouldn't mention that.
Mainly those of an non-EU persuasion......
You may say it's untrue, dt, but I can only repeat, it was taken from mikey's own link. sheeesh.
Jack...I can only know what you write and not what you mean.

As I and Mamy, and now DTC has pointed out, slavery DID exist in Britain.

But all this is not the point. What AOG posted at 17:03 today, was wrong and incorrect. If anyone is going to make a statement like that, it pays to
do some research, and clearly he failed to do so.
Attack our manufacturing base?
That could decrease productivity further.

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