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The Km Links Game - August Week 3 Results

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seekeerz | 01:36 Mon 22nd Aug 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
18 Answers
Good morning everyone - going to be a lovely day here when the sun warms up a bit, but the wet stuff returns tomorrow with a vengeance so Mr seeks is out there with his mower waking up all the neighbours ....well at least he left them alone yesterday !!

And for the links ...hmmm !!

Grand Opera
Poker Face
Speed Dial
Stem Ginger

And the STAR TURN came from my fellow country-man as IMINOZ collected 6 points for 3 correct matches and a SPECIAL MENTION to KETTLEDRUM snared the BONUS POINTS for selecting Speed Dial ...the only one to do so ....well done, both of you !!

A good sprinkling of points meant movement on the Leader Board and also the fact that the FFC rooms have almost been vacated, just a small group of the usual suspects propping up the bar and telling tall tales ...I predict a general rush towards the door come next weekend...

And now for the LEADER BOARD -

10 points - dannyk13

9 points - iminoz

6 points - anikomo, cpfcrosie & Fibonacci

5 points - elliemay1

4 points - angler57, baza, brizzer, Chiefpanda, Mr W, jollyroger66, JRB, *kettledrum*, lysander, murraymints, Muzz, seekeerz & waterboatman

3 points, - 11 players, 2 points - 8 players, 1 point - 11 players....

So Congratulations to all the points scorers, not a bad haul at all, so eyes down for next week and the last round, hoping for an avalanche to finish off nicely ...till then, stay safe, I see you next Saturday...Cheers, Steff


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Do I get a point for poker faced or is it only face?
Question Author
yes you do cupes, so you collected three points this time !! xx
Thank you, my first this month! Hope you're feeling better. xx
Corr blimey every ginger will have their day 'Stem Ginger' I ask ask you. ;-)

I also do hope that you're feeling better Stella, thank you for us non gingers for playing. ;-) and doing this for us.
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Yeah, it's wet down under ;-)
Question Author
Much better thanks but so far no rain,....tomorrow with bells on, so they say !!
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Good night possums ;-)) x
Thanks for soldiering on, skz
Thanks Steff - nothing for me again the week, ah well there's always bext time. Glad you feeling better x
danny had 6 points last wk + 3 points this wk for 2 correct=9 points or am I wrong?
Thanks Scorpio. Sorry, was looking at the wrong wk!I humbly apologise!
well done to the point scorers (again!!) :-D

Am happy, finally scored one point lol

Thank you Seekz xx
Out of the door at last lol
Glad you are feeling better Steff.
Thanks for all your hard work xx
Wow! That's a bit of a surprise turn up for the books. But one day I really am going to sweep the board with my selections.
Many thanks Steff for providing this little bit of fun for us all every weekend, but please don't let it stop you taking good care of yourself when you're not well.

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The Km Links Game - August Week 3 Results

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