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Orphan Village Helps Russia Rethink Fostering

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mikey4444 | 14:20 Wed 24th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
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Thank you mikey, a lovely story.
Question Author
Yes I agree Marval...we need more stories like this.

Russia has a huge problem with orphans, as indeed does Roumania. Its nice to see that somebody is starting to deal with it.

How happy those kids looked !
That was interesting and good to see them being taught skills to help them through life, when they could so easily have slipped straight through the net into crime etc.
Question Author
Mamy....alas, many thousands still do slip through that net every year in Russia, some of them into prostitution and other crimes.
Of course but glad to see some are being helped.

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Orphan Village Helps Russia Rethink Fostering

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