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queenofmean | 01:02 Thu 01st Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I just had a wee panic attack! Not had one since idea what triggered it but did 'grounding' but just a bit upset it's happened.


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It's passed and nothing bad has happened, well done.x
Keep cool, think of mum.
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I've still got jelly legs Mamya but the bad shakes have stopped. I kind of knew it was coming to be honest but I tried to distract myself. But I'd did well...I left my room went to the bathroom and did the 5 things I can see etc and came back to my room and did the same thing.

Funny Caran I'm imagining her stroking my hair like she used to when I was small to soothe me.
You've handled it well, try to rest now.
Hope you feel more calm and relaxed soon. x
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I will do, I've just got back into bed. Got an audiobook playing hoping I will drop off soon.
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Thank you Cupid. I feel relaxed and calm now, felt the same when it began but I'm ok promise :) xx

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