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What Is Going On With Ab Today !

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mikey4444 | 21:38 Mon 26th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
It has been OOO for large periods of time for most of today !


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No problems at all here in Hernia Bay
BT & Chrome + that that can't be mentioned.
It did go nipples skywards earlier this afternoon but as someone said, somebody put a shilling in the meter.
Was a tad slow when I logged on ( about half hour ago ), but seems to be faster now.
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I seem to recall a similar incident before, when a server went down in North London and effected me and few others but not everybody.

My server is that significant ?
So is mine, mikey.

Mine too
Maybe it's a DOS attack ?
Has AB upset anyone lately ?

However that is unlikely , I'm on TalkTalk and all working ok.
Fine here in the Boony Lands.

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What Is Going On With Ab Today !

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