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babey names

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Gale_Snail | 21:17 Mon 12th Jun 2006 | Parenting
24 Answers
i know that she was a prostitute in the bible but i think that Jezebel is a really pretty name for a little baby girl! do you think that people will tease her?????? and bully her eg call her a "prozzy"?


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You're all thinking from an adult point of view, go ahead if you must, sentence her to a childhood of misery.
and if you're next child is a boy you could name him Judas.
I don't know where you live Gale but in London, "Jezzie" is teenage slang for a girl of easy virtue. If you call her that, you should hope she never moves there.

if I ever become dictator I am going to insist that all books called "baby names" are retitled just "names".

Remember that the name you give your child will eventually become a teenager's name, a young woman's name and (hopefully) a mother's name and eventually an old lady's name.

I bought a book a few years before my two sons were born called "How DARE you call me that!" listing all the well-known names (and their diminuatives) and the 'characteristics' associated with that name. (The book was originally published in the USA under the title "What not to name the baby" and revised for UK cultural references. It's hilarious! (Jezebel isn't listed, by the way).

Read 2 Kings Ch.9, vv.30-37 to find out what happened to the original Jezebel....

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