Nice to see one of our "Colonial" pals wade in with a virtue signal or two. No mention of course of the fate of the "African" invaders recently murdered and dispossessed (think Zimbabwe). Or of course the Aboriginals of Australia. Perhaps when they, rise up and demand their lands be returned, we can play pointy finger. They do seem to have been treated much worse than say the Maoris have been by the Kiwis. Perhaps we will get the opportunity to gleefully point out that "Australia in the current climate did and as such made its own bed to lay in".sic.
The answer is to divert them all to.........Australia. I am sure they are more than welcome there. The social workers and such will be rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of millions more "clients", not to sure about what people from the private sector who pay for it will think though.
/// There is a report in the i paper today, about the NHS in England being desperate to target 2000 more Doctors from abroad, as the only way of meeting their staffing crisis. ///
I wonder how many doctors are among those 'swarms of invaders'?
Notice what I did there mikey, not wishing to make the word swarms redundant?