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albaqwerty | 08:38 Sat 29th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
it may take a while to come round, but when it does, please don't gloat.

I'm struggling with the not gloating tho :-)

Gloating is not a trait I like, along with many others.


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Come on, alba. Do tell. What's happened? :))
I don't believe in Karma.
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my bruv, the 'financial adviser' has had his bottom bitten
He needs to get rid of that dog.
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he shouldn't have married her in the first place OG :-D
Come on alba, I know you're desperate to tell us the story :-)
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oooh, anne, how long have you got?! lol

nutshell, his missus has always been an upstanding pillar of the community (aye, right)
Haven't spoken to him for over 2 decades thanks to her, mum's house sold and who pocketed the profit?
and spent it? and now they are having to move.
glad you told us ummmm
That would be karma alba :-)
"The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine."
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they have even asked their own daughter, married, has a family for assistance.
She refused.
And that was after they didn't even bother attending her wedding.

Families, who'd have them? :-)
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maggie, yep, slowly, softly.
this the bossy one Albs ?
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it's the other one, Minty, on my side of the family.
Not that there's much left of my side lol
ummmm, your karma's run over my dogma

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