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Dash Cam.

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Bigbad | 10:59 Tue 03rd Apr 2018 | Motoring
29 Answers
Thinking of getting one, but don’t know much about them.
Can someone please look at the link and let me know what you think.

Don’t need anything too fancy, as I rarely drive long distance, and sometimes don’t use the car for days.

The 3 things I am sure about is 1) I don’t want wires trailing from it. 2) I would like it to be usable at night and 3) I don’t want it to have to be used in conjunction with a mobile.

I only want one for emergencies, as there are so many idiots on the road these days!

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Halford's will hardwire a dashcam for £30 if you buy it from them. They have a good range and their prices are good. I got my Nextbase from them and they changed it with no hesitation when I got a problem (which turned out to be the Sandisk card). I think the MAISI, which Dave and I like, is only sold by Amazon.
12:01 Tue 03rd Apr 2018
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Did that earlier, thanks BHG. (Only been living here a few months. Not very familiar with the area).
Will try and get there today.
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Been there, done that, bought the dash cam.
Being fitted on Monday.
Thanks for all your input, folks.
Which one did you get in the end, Bigbad? Whichever one it was it will give you peace of mind.
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I got the one that I put the link for, bhg.
About a tenner more in Halfords, but better that than trying to find someone to fit it.
I also like the idea of the speed thingy.
I use cruise control all the time, and rarely speed.
Yes, I have mine showing the speed as well.
Can I suggest you give this software a try for viewing your dashcam footage:

I know that Nextbase supply software but I prefer my recommendation. Unless they've changed it since I downloaded it, the Nextbase will only play one file at a time (your journeys will be divided into 1, 3 or 5 minute segments, depending how you set it up, each occupying its own file (I always use 5 mins), whereas mine will allow you to load and play a complete journey. Because of the way Nextbase stores its GPS data it can't show some of the parameters but it does show your speed and you can play the video at different speeds. It's a free download with no spam attached, so it's worth giving it a go.
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Thank you for even more info. You've been very helpful.
I've bookmarked the site and I'll have a look when cam is fitted.
Anyone leave their dashcam or the cradle in the car when you are are away for a while , or overnight

If yes ,is that asking for trouble ?

We have 3 cars with Dash and Rear Cams fitted, never take them out, no problems so far, but they are on 24 hour record, so anyone who messes will be downloaded to mobile 'phone.

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