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What Do You Hear?

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wolf63 | 22:18 Thu 07th Jun 2018 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

I tried to find a youtube version of this but have failed miserably. Even if you think that Facebook is the devil itself and you don't have an account you should be able to watch the clip.


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*Chortlesplutters* :)
This blog recognises exactly what a labradoodle is: A pedigree mongrel ;-)

(Whatever she is, she's still beautiful!)
That is so good!!!!.... :-)
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It is from 'Pete the Vet' who is on Facebook and various other media outlets.
Very good - I was exepcting to hear "Dorgi"

All I get is the option to'Log in' or 'Create new account' no clip.
Why is it so good? All I get is a screen asking what I hear. No pictures. They shouldn't suggest any words. They should just ask what you can hear. I can hear someone saying "Mongrow"

Chris's link comes up as 'Not Found'
Balders, just click on "Not now", and you will get to the clip.
Click on the small "Not Now" text at the bottom of the box, balders
Lol, like it.

Buenchicos' link doesn't work for me either

^^^^ Meant to add it still doesn't work
Works for me, very amusing and not what I expected.
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Lol brilliant!
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the answer is mongrel
Same as Wolf ^, mongrel.

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What Do You Hear?

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