How do you usually eat yours?
We have slices of it with a full breakfast type meal..bacon, eggs, beans, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, toast. Occasionally I’ve put a slice on top of a burger in a bun along with some Lancashire cheese. Also put some in a stack with scallops and bacon and a lime dressing.
Himself used to have a bowl of boiled black pudding covered in tomato ketchup, a throw back meal to his childhood which I’ve never attempted.
Rarely have it these days due to trying to lose weight, but if I've bought it, cold in chunks, more rarely cold sliced in sandwiches. If out treating myself to a cafe breakfast, then sometimes sliced & fried.
Been on a farm where my late MIL used to make it after the FIL and other helpers had obtained the main ingredient! (I wont go into details) But could never get to appreciate it as much as other people.
The smell of it cooking in the house makes me feel quite ill.
Sliced raw on a salad? Don’t think I could manage to eat it like that, or cold in any way, but there are some interesting ways everyone eats it and it’s given me a couple of ideas. Thanks people.
"Sliced raw on a salad?" No, don't think I could eat it like that either. Suppose I could take it back off again and eat it, as long as it hasn't touched any cucumber.
I've tried frying some in the past but that's about as ambitious as I went. Much prefer to eat as is IE: cold, straight from the packet... no messing about.
"Black pudding is very british.. Northern irish if i'm correct?"
You may be correct re Northern Irish but it is not just British as I indicated half way through my post yesterday at 2034. Spanish and French also.