ChatterBank2 mins ago
Have I Got Everything ?
https:/ /amp-th eguardi an-com. cdn.amp project .org/v/ s/amp.t heguard /world/ 2019/ma r/12/sa udi-pla ne-turn s-aroun d-mothe r-forge ts-baby -airpor t?amp_j s_v=a2& amp;amp _gsa=1& amp;usq p=mq331 AQCCAE% 3D#refe rrer=ht tps%3A% 2F%2Fww w.googl mp;amp_ tf=From %20%251 %24s&am p;ampsh are=htt ps%3A%2 F%2Fwww .thegua rdian.c om%2Fwo rld%2F2 019%2Fm ar%2F12 %2Fsaud i-plane -turns- around- mother- forgets -baby-a irport
''Passport ? Check ''
''Duty free ? Check''
''Mobile phone ? Check ''
''Hand luggage ? Check''
''Good ,I think that's everything.''
LOL - What a plonker
''Passport ? Check ''
''Duty free ? Check''
''Mobile phone ? Check ''
''Hand luggage ? Check''
''Good ,I think that's everything.''
LOL - What a plonker
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Must have been a traumatic experience
If I knew her address , i would send her a bunch of these
https:/ /www.go m/searc h?clien t=ms-an droid-m otorola &ei =UZCHXM OfFvyE1 fAPhPC7 2AM& ;q=pict ure+of+ a+forge t+me+no t+flowe r+& oq=pict ure+of+ a+forge t+me+no t+flowe r+& gs_l=mo bile-gw s-wiz-s erp.3.. 0i22i30 l5.1054 9.46842 ..49921 ...8.0. .1.224. 7754.28 j36j4.. ....0.. ..1.... ...1..0 i71j41j 0i67j0j 46j46i1 31j46i6 7i275j4 6i67j0i 131j0i1 0j0i13j 0i13i30 j0i22i1 0i30j33 i22i29i 30j33i1 60j0i13 i5i30j3 3i22i10 i29i30j 0i7i30j 33i10j0 i5i30j0 i8i7i30 j33i21j 33i13i2 1.vCCSq 0s8Wg4# imgrc=3 im7nJ49 UXSr_M:
If I knew her address , i would send her a bunch of these
Well pixie, it only works if the link isn't tagged onto something else, like a full stop.
See it this works... https:/ /youtu. be/ajrP 2l2NVl8
See it this works... https:/