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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:23 Thu 25th Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
Friday. I overslept, (for me) Didn't wake up until 0445, Not that I'm complaining you understand! :o}

Haven't looked outside yet, so no idea what's going on, if anything.
I have the Wee White Tornado taking up residence this morning. That's peace and tranquility out the window for a week. :o} So that's my schedule up the spout then.
Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning Birdies. Where did summer go? The rain yesterday was the first that we have had in 3 weeks. More to come mustn't complain. As long as it clears up for the 18th May no worries. Is that the Wheel in Truro DT? Some years since I was in there.
morning Togo xx
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Morning togo. It's stopped raining here, for a wee while.
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spammers are keeping me busy this morning!

'morning all, usual routine here, Tash away for her run, no sign of life from Mrs B or Nat, nothing new there then, will keep the coffee going and see what happens.
Good morning everybody.
morning Balders xx Paddy xx
morning paddy

kettle on here for when the carer rocks in - takes forever as the electric ones were ending up being put on the cooker rings (electric too). Probably would be ok now as she doesn't cook....
Porridge made with blueberries on top. Just cooling down now.

I'm over in the Norfolk Broads, very light rain and a blustery breeze.
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Morning balders and paddy.

The sun is shining here for a minute or two!
of course you are, maydup.... 10 and 8 for you currently
sun peeping oot here !
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It's travelling well minty, it's out here too!
need to run roon shower..forgot I have to pick up second pair of glasses.. having photochromics made for this tropical summer that's coming !! see you later xx
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I've got them minty. Wouldn't be without them!
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Have a happy day minty xxx
Morning all. Bright and sunny here again at the moment.
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Time to make move.

Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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