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Genealogy. What A Waste Of Effort.

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bainbrig | 11:54 Tue 28th May 2019 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Well, no-one is that interested, are they?

I’ve wasted years of my life trying to find out what Uncle Charlie did in 1925 (for instance).


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I would have thought that it would be quite interesting to follow one's ancestry, but it is an individual quest i would have thought.

Personally the identity of my father is "in doubt" although my biological mother presented herself. I really have little interest in the past, but did wonder if my father could have been the Aga Khan or perhaps Henry Ford........but apparently not.....the likeliest contender worked in the Council offices in i have been told.

On my mother's side, they were farm labourers in the Fens and then came to Peterborough in the late 19th century to labour on the steam railways that developed in the East.

Ancestry is interesting.........but not for me.
That is interesting, Sqad.
LOL....not really Cloverjo..LOL
Surely we all descended from Adam and Eve, so are all related to one another - that's terrifying enough without going into detail.
I dabble a little in genealogy and find it fascinating. Have gone back 5 generations to date.

If you think Genealogy is a waste of your valuable time, don't bother with it, simples!
mine is galling especially with recent adverts of how welcoming Malaysia is. No thought of Brit blood spilled during war with Japan. Merdeka (independance) ruled jobs for Malays 1st & Brits last on 5 tier system. My dad was a soldier & part time radio operator broadcasting his band music....alas gagged in favour of call to islam - prayer & rhetoric :(
Nope... My Eldest Bro tracked down our biological father (since 2yrs old btw) in London but still a waste of space... I had no interest in meeting him... one of my uncles came to see Ma (His Sis) when we were youngsters and found us looked in a cupboard.
My family,apparently, stem from Baronial Teutonic Knights who were the guardians of a spring in the mountains between Germany and Austria.In later years our family in Germany were into Agricultural Machinery and some of the members of the family travelled to the U.S. to promote and sell the modern inovations. Two brothers docked in the US and were immediately Shanghai'd in to the Army on opposing sides during the Civil War.One got wounded and the other brother traced his whereabouts and they both jumped on the first ship out the USA and landed in Swansea docks..One of the German clan ended up a Mississippi River boat Paddle steamer Skipper.
One day I expect to find a letter on the mat stating I have a inherited a Schloss in the Black Forest and and am now a Florid Baron. Genealogy is fascinating and very useful.
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I don’t think it matters much whether you find someone famous or not in your past. My lot were the usual mix: butchers, bankrupts, butlers. Poor, sometimes less poor, never rich, never important.
I remember back in the 60's, my dad received a huge, official-looking envelope from Canada. Inside was a copy of will, of a relative he didn't know he had. The accompanying letter from a lawyer in Toronto, said that under the terms of the will of the late ------ -------, you are NOT a benficiary. Good innit? Why go to all that trouble to let you know you're getting fk all?

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