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If There Was One.

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teacake44 | 17:24 Fri 23rd Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
If there was a common sense test, what questions could you come up with, for the test?


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Which way do you hold a knife and fork.
Depends if you are left-handed or not.
How do you rinse a spoon under a tap?

It's just stopped pouring with rain, you're in your socks and you need to deposit a bag in the wheelie bin which is ten feet from the back door. What do you do?

You're wearing a clean white shirt/blouse that you're about to go out in when you're offered a small bowl of spaghetti bolognese. Being famished, what do you do?
Common sense is a hard thing to distinguish...

I think a physical practical test would be better than questions

Give someone tools to make clean water from salt water and see if they can

See if someone can lead a team which are deliberately being stupid

See if someone can orienteer

Give someone some minimal tools and shelter and see if they can camp the night

Put them in an escape room
See if someone can prepare and cook vegetables
Common sense is simply the ability to problem solve but even better, know the problems that are going to rise then avoid them or prepare if they’re unavoidable.
How long is it OK to leave your child or pet in a hot car?
Do you like dogs?
Spath apart from your second question can do all the rest.
sorry your third question.

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If There Was One.

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