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pastafreak | 02:15 Wed 27th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
...half a bottle of shiraz...
...and I'm sloshed. Oh dear...


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Why not xxx
Sip. Am on Tesco's boxed Fruity Red - far too quaffable, frankly (cheap though...)

You deserve a drink, don't get *too* sloshed though xx
light weight.

:-) x
Lol Greeny, nice to see you ;-) x
Who nicked the other half?

We'll get em.
Phone your manager up at home with a friendly message, such as "You're my beshtest pal you are an' I really love you, I do, hic!"

I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated ;-)
Greetings my favouritest poody tat xxx

Am looking at my 4th glass of cider just now, will solve that problem in a mo :-)))
Question Author
Oh made me splutter with laughter. Thank you xx

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