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pastafreak | 00:23 Wed 27th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I've had the day from hell. I thought I was holding it all together...but no.
On top of my management company problems...see my post in has just exploded in my face.
Got called in to see my manager...about my misdemeanors. Some are my oversights...some are nitpicking...some the deeds of others who use the kitchen. All from a long day with little help.
Then...worse to come. I made chicken today...all legs. Put in to cook at 9:30 am. Served at noon. Someone got a leg that was pink near the bone. This is chicken that was temperature probed 3 times. I was pulled on the carpet for this...and suspended.
I've been calm...until 10 minutes ago. Just want to wail.


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here's one Pasta,

there was one which said that there can even be a difference if the thighs were fresh or frozen beforehand.
Sending you a big hug xx
The probing 3 times must be some kind of recognised standard because we have to do the same (at work). We sre supoised to do it from food in the middle of the oven but I tend to do top, middle and bottom because the bottom will usually be a bit cooler even though they are fan ovens. If all is OK and I have done what I should have done (as you have) then any other issues with the ovens are down to the Management. But as said, pink meat does not necessarily.mean undercooked meat.
Excuse the typos - I'm on my phone
It is standard, and tbh, I think that showing you followed their own rules, pasta, will make more difference than being able to prove safety in pink meat.
If their guidelines, they believe now, are not safe (rightly or wrongly), that is their fault and not yours, if you followed the rules.
To protect yourself, I wouldn't try to prove them wrong, but show you did exactly what they said.
I have the impression that Pasta volunteers at what I'll call a soup-kitchen which supplies free meals for the indigent. What really galls me is that one of these street-people would have the temerity to complain about a pinkish tone around a chicken bone included in a free meal and that the "management" of this organization is coming down on her.
It's irrelevant, sanmac. All pasta needs to do, is show that she has followed their own rules.
Pasta, I know just by your posts that you are a nice caring lady. You stand up for your clients, you do a job many people would not. I don’t imagine you are well paid. If possible try and get some sleep. You may feel a bit better in the morning. Take care, Anne .
Question Author
Thank you Anne...I appreciate that. X
Sanmac...I don't volunteer. I'm in charge of the kitchen...the buck stops at me.
But that's irrelevant...whether I am paid or not, it's my responsibility to provide safe food. Even the homeless are entitled to complain. Oh...and the meals are not free. Are you saying that if they are free...they should "put up or shut up". My standards are the same, free or not.
I'd rather deal with being ill in the warmth of my home than on the streets. Not a very nice thing to say, Sanmac.
My best wishes to you ((pasta)), you've had a 'mare & frankly your "carpeter" needs to learn more than being able (in their opinion) to just run an operation - some common sense & basic food knowledge wouldn't go amiss.

I've had - & happily eaten - *pink* (not red) near the bone chicken many times from restaurants - including KFC (other fried chicken outlets are out there...). It's quite common. You'll get the same muppets moaning that the pork isn't "grey & dry enough" or "this Wagyu beef has a spot of red in it!". Ungrateful idiots.

Sorry, rant over - you have my support, though I know it's worth nothing in a practical sense. x
Pasta ~ I am sorry to hear about this.

At work, I didn't really mind getting the blame when it was me who screwed up but it used to make me (very) angry to get blamed when I was innocent.

It should be interesting to see what they are going to do without you while you are on your suspension period. Maybe your clients will start a petition to get you back.

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