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Ding Dong

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douglas9401 | 09:42 Wed 18th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
We have doorbells for front and side doors, the bell-pushes are both on the surround facing callers as they approach and both are covered by pir lights.

My question, such as it is is, why do people still just knock timidly on the door instead of using the equipment provided?

Must go now, somebody at the door.


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same here we have a bell camera and people still knock on the door
My friend has a door bell with a large sign he made pointing to it telling people to please ring the bell, as he is often out the back and he can hear it from there, but NO, people still knock and when he politely points out the sign they generally say 'oh sorry didn't see that there' !!
I asked one caller and he said that bells frequently don't work, so he knocks. The irony for us is that we are normally in a part of the house where you can't hear a knock on the door but we have several bells.
agree.. I have a bell smack at eye level...on door jamb...use it ?? hardly anyone !
Avon ladies are not what they were. :-)
I have one of those musical bells and have changed it to play Jingle Bells. The bell push is right in the middle of the door and I have put blue tac on my knocker (no comments!) and still they give a feeble knock on the door. When I open the door I always say 'Oh, is my bell not working' then I press it so they get Jingle Bells at full volume!
Oh, thought it was just me. Slightly hard of hearing so have a chimer in living room and kitchen. Still get knocks at the door which I seldom hear. Maybe I should put a sign on the door "please ring bell"?
maggie Maybe I should put a sign on the door "please ring bell"?
That's just sending an invite to any scallywags to come and ring your bell and run away. A game I used to play as a child! :-)
We are the same, we have a bell which is seldom used, a knocker which is sometimes used but annoyingly most people gingerly tap on the glass of my front door.

We dont often hear that so delivery people then put a card through the door saying 'we called while you were out'.

Gggrrr i was not out! You just failed to use the equipment provided prominently on my door.
Same here. I have a plug in that I can move about so if I'm in the (big) garden I can hear that but not anyone knocking.
That said the delivery man this morning took no chances, he rang the bell and knocked :)

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