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Won't One Do ?

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Bazile | 16:13 Fri 03rd Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Why do some people when ending a conversation on the phone , need to say so many bye's - as in '' bye'' , ''bye'' ,''bye'' , ''bye '' ?


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I don’t, I just say ‘Bye’
I blame this chap ...

Usually because the lady on the other end of the call restarts the conversation again, so you can't politely get away.
bye - bye bye - luv u - missing u already
mwah mwah....

I think it is thweet
It's a courtesy
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you don't need multiple bye's to be courteous - one , will do

Several colleagues here at work do it - Gets on my wick - well , a bit
I do it, we all do it (my family)
We just say goodbye, or at work to eaxh other - good night, see ya tomorrow.

Thankfully I dont think I know anyone who says bye, bye, bye, bye !
I always thought it was an Irish habit.
My MIL, talk about the long goodbye.
I think it's an Irish /British thing, one 'bye` seems rude, a few byes gives the other person to say something more, but a bye bye from me usually means, ' go away, "I've had enough already"
I remember doing the 'You hang up, no you hang up first' thing during my courtship days.
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It might be ok , if it's between friends /family

But to strangers ?
My youngest daughter does it! Only close friends and family though. I find it quite amusing..
I don't think we realise we're doing it half the time. I try not to when talking to the doctor etc....I fill the spare gaps with thank yous.

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